Wednesday 3 July 2024

Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:18


Word for today: Verse:   Genesis 45:18

‘I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land.’

- God worked in Pharoah’s heart and he gave Joseph’s family the best.

- The Lord has your best interests at heart.

- He wants you to experience His blessing and favour on your life.

- So hold onto your confidence in Him and believe for His best for you.

PRAYER: Lord, how great it is to know that You want to bless and provide for my life and situation. Help me to hold onto You and to trust that I will see Your goodness in my life. Amen. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Kind Regards

Jacob M

In Memory of Mr Dean Menezes: A Tribute to an Exceptional Leader


Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day.

In Memory of Mr Dean Menezes: A Tribute to an Exceptional Leader


The sudden and tragic illness that took Mr Dean Menezes from us has left an indelible mark on our hearts and our workplace. As we come to terms with this profound loss, it is important to reflect on the incredible person he was and the lasting impact he had on all of us.

Mr. Dean Menezes was a beacon of strength and integrity in our professional lives. His leadership style was both empowering and inspiring. He believed in fostering a collaborative environment where every voice was heard and valued. His ability to listen and provide constructive feedback helped each of us grow not just as employees, but as individuals.

One of the defining qualities of Mr. Dean Menezes was his relentless commitment to excellence. He led by example, always striving to go above and beyond in everything he did. His passion for the work was contagious, and he motivated us to push our boundaries and reach new heights. His vision for the company was not just about success in the market, but about creating a workplace where innovation thrived, and where everyone felt they were contributing to something greater.

But beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Dean Menezes was a man of great compassion and kindness. He understood the importance of work-life balance and encouraged us to take care of ourselves and our families. He often reminded us that our well-being was paramount, and his genuine concern for our personal lives fostered a sense of loyalty and respect that went both ways.

I will always remember the times Mr Dean Menezes went out of his way to support me during difficult times. Whether it was a family emergency, a personal crisis, or just a tough day at work, he was always there with a reassuring word and a helping hand. His empathy and understanding were a source of comfort for many of us, and his ability to connect on a personal level made him more than just a boss – he was a friend.

Mr. Dean Menezes also had a remarkable ability to see potential in people that they often did not see in themselves. He was a mentor to many, guiding us with wisdom and patience. His faith in our abilities gave us the confidence to take on new challenges and achieve things we never thought possible. He had a unique talent for bringing out the best in everyone, and this is something we will always cherish and strive to emulate.

The legacy of Mr. Dean Menezes is one of dedication, integrity, and compassion. His influence extends far beyond the confines of our office walls. He touched the lives of everyone he met with his kindness and generosity. His commitment to the community and his philanthropic efforts were a testament to his belief in giving back and making the world a better place.

As we move forward, we carry with us the lessons he taught us and the example he set. We will honour his memory by continuing to strive for excellence, by supporting one another, and by leading with the same integrity and compassion that he exemplified every day. Mr Dean Menezes may no longer be with us in person, but his spirit and his legacy will continue to guide us in all that we do.

In remembering Mr. Dean Menezes, we celebrate a truly well-lived life. He was a leader, a mentor, a friend, and a beacon of light in our lives. I’m profoundly grateful for the time I’ve had with him and will forever be inspired by his remarkable life.

I thank you Sir for making me what I am today, you taught me a lot and I learnt a lot from you and I'm grateful to you. You will be greatly missed, never forget you. Until we meet again. Farewell, Sir. I've been beyond lucky to know you. You are forever in our hearts.

It's so hard to say goodbye. 

God Bless You, Sir,

Rest In Peace...

Jacob M

Tuesday 2 July 2024

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ᴊᴜʟʏ ɪs ᴅᴇᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ 

 The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood. The feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord was instituted in 1849 by Pius IX, but the devotion is as old as Christianity. The early Fathers say that the Church was born from the pierced side of Christ and that the sacraments were brought forth through His Blood.

“The Precious Blood which we worship is the Blood which the Savior shed for us on Calvary and reassumed at His glorious Resurrection; it is the Blood which courses through the veins of His risen, glorified, living body at the right hand of God the Father in heaven; it is the Blood made present on our altars by the words of Consecration; it is the Blood which merited sanctifying grace for us and through it washes and beautifies our soul and inaugurates the beginning of eternal life in it.”

St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers,

upon which Our Lord revealed to them:

To all the faithful who shall recite for 3 years, each day,

2 “Our Fathers”, 2 “Hail Marys” and 2 “Glory Be’s”, in honour of the drops of Blood, I lost, I will concede

the following 5 graces:

1st The plenary indulgence and remittance of your sins.

2nd You will be free from the pains of Purgatory.

3rd If you should die before completing the said 3 years, for you it will be the same as if you had completed them.

4th It will be upon your death the same as if you had shed all your blood for the Holy Faith.

5th I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.


Word for today: Verse: Psalm 23:6


Word for today: 

Verse:   Psalm 23:6        NLT

‘Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life…’

- Why should you fear the future when His goodness and love will carry you?

- You can trust the Lord for His love and kindness throughout your lifetime.

- His love for you is never-ending and unfailing.

- You never need to fear a single day when His love will not be there for you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your goodness and Your unfailing love for me. May I know, without any doubt, that Your love and care will carry me each day of my life. May I live with this eternal truth burning in my heart, Amen.

Have a blessed Tuesday.

Kind Regards

Jacob M

Novena to Saint Benedict July 2nd - July 10th

Novena to Saint Benedict 

Glorious Saint Benedict, sublime model of virtue, pure vessel of God's grace! Behold me humbly kneeling at your feet. I implore you in your loving kindness to pray for me before the throne of God.

To you, l have recourse in the dangers that daily surround me.

Shield me against my selfishness and my indifference to God and to my neighbour.

Inspire me to imitate you in all things.

May your blessing be with me always, so that I may see and serve Christ in others and work for His kingdom.

Graciously obtain for me from God those favours and graces which I need so much in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life.

Your heart was always full of love, compassion and mercy toward those who were afflicted or troubled in any way. You never dismissed without consolation and assistance anyone who had recourse to you. I, therefore, invoke your powerful intercession, confident in the hope that you will hear my prayers and obtain for me the special grace and favour I earnestly implore. (mention your petition)

Help me, great Saint Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to run in the sweetness of His loving will, and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven.


God Bless us All...

Jacob M

Monday 1 July 2024

Facing the Prospect of Dying Alone...

**Facing the Prospect of Dying Alone: An Emotional Journey**

The thought of dying alone is a profound and complex experience that can evoke a range of emotions and reflections. This topic, often shrouded in silence, warrants attention for the depth of feelings it encompasses. How does a person feel when confronted with the reality of dying alone? This question invites us to explore the emotional landscape of solitude at life's end.

**Fear and Anxiety**

One of the most immediate and overwhelming emotions is fear. The fear of the unknown, of what happens after death, is a universal human experience. For those who face dying alone, this fear can be magnified by the absence of comforting human presence. Anxiety may stem from worrying about the process of dying itself—pain, helplessness, and the loss of control.

**Loneliness and Isolation**

Loneliness is a profound emotion, particularly acute when one contemplates the end of life without the company of loved ones. Human beings are inherently social creatures, and the lack of connection during such a critical time can lead to feelings of deep isolation. The absence of a familiar face, a comforting hand, or a reassuring voice can intensify the sense of being utterly alone.

**Regret and Reflection**

As death approaches, it is common for individuals to reflect on their lives. Those who find themselves alone might experience regret over relationships lost or connections never made. This period of reflection can bring to light unresolved issues, unfulfilled desires, and the stark reality of missed opportunities for reconciliation or forgiveness.

**Acceptance and Peace**

Conversely, some individuals may find a sense of peace and acceptance. The solitude of dying alone can provide an opportunity for introspection, a time to come to terms with one's life and mortality. For some, this solitude allows for a deeper spiritual connection or a moment of clarity and understanding about their place in the universe.

**Strength and Resilience**

Facing death alone requires immense strength and resilience. Individuals may draw upon inner resources and past experiences to navigate this challenging time. The human spirit is remarkably resilient, and many find ways to cope with the solitude, whether through meditation, spirituality, or finding comfort in memories of happier times.

**The Role of Society and Community**

While the personal journey of dying alone is unique to each individual, it also reflects broader societal issues. The increasing isolation in modern society, where family structures are changing and communities are less interconnected, raises important questions about how we care for the elderly and the terminally ill. Ensuring that no one dies alone is a responsibility that extends beyond immediate family to the wider community and healthcare systems.


Dying alone is a deeply personal experience that elicits a wide range of emotions from fear and loneliness to acceptance and peace. It is a journey that challenges individuals to confront their deepest fears and find strength within themselves. As a society, it is imperative to acknowledge this reality and work towards providing support and companionship for those at the end of their lives, ensuring dignity and compassion for all.

God Bless Our Souls...

Jacob M

Word for today: Verse: Luke 15:20


Word for today: Verse:   Luke 15:20

‘So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.’

- The Lord is waiting with outstretched arms to receive you.

- His heart towards you is filled with love and compassion for you.

- We can end up on the wrong road, but He is waiting for our return.

- Even if you feel far from God, He sees you, and He is ready to embrace you.

PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to return to You. For too long I have been walking my own road and doing my own thing. But now I come home, home to Your love and compassion and home to Your warm embrace. Amen.

Welcome to July.

Kind Regards

Jacob M

The Dynamics of a Narcissist Wife and an Empathetic Husband...


The Dynamics of a Narcissist Wife and an Empathetic Husband...

Relationships are complex and multifaceted, shaped by the personalities and emotional frameworks of the individuals involved. Among the many dynamics that can emerge, the relationship between a narcissistic wife and an empathetic husband is particularly intriguing. Despite the challenges this pairing presents, the empathetic husband's enduring love for his narcissistic wife can persist, illustrating the profound nature of empathy and unconditional love.

Understanding Narcissism and Empathy

*Narcissism** is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissists often engage in manipulative or controlling behaviour, prioritizing their own needs and desires above those of others.

**Empathy**, on the other hand, is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathetic individuals are often compassionate, supportive, and deeply attuned to the emotional states of those around them. They prioritize the well-being of others, sometimes to the detriment of their own needs.

The Dynamic of a Narcissist Wife and an Empathetic Husband

When a narcissistic wife and an empathetic husband come together, the relationship is often characterized by a unique set of challenges and dynamics:

1. **Imbalance of Power and Needs**:

   The narcissistic wife may dominate the relationship, consistently seeking validation and placing her needs above her husband's. The empathetic husband, driven by a deep desire to care for and support his partner, may continually prioritize her needs, often at the expense of his own well-being.

2. **Manipulation and Sacrifice**:

   Narcissists are often adept at manipulation, using guilt, charm, or coercion to get what they want. The empathetic husband, with his inherent tendency to see the best in others and a strong desire to maintain harmony, may find himself sacrificing his own needs and desires to appease his wife and keep the peace.

3. **Enduring Love and Commitment**:

   Despite the challenges, an empathetic husband’s love for his narcissistic wife can remain steadfast. Empathetic individuals often possess a profound sense of loyalty and commitment. They believe in the potential for change and hold on to the hope that their love and support will eventually lead to a healthier, more balanced relationship.

The Psychological Underpinnings

The empathetic husband’s enduring love can be understood through several psychological concepts:

**Empathy and Compassion**:

  The empathetic husband’s ability to deeply understand and share his wife’s feelings creates a strong emotional bond. His compassion drives him to support and care for her, even in the face of her narcissistic behaviour.

- **Unconditional Positive Regard**:

  A concept introduced by psychologist Carl Rogers, unconditional positive regard involves accepting and loving someone without conditions. The empathetic husband may embody this principle, offering unwavering support and love regardless of his wife’s actions.

**Hope and Optimism**:

  Empathetic individuals often possess a strong sense of hope and optimism. They believe in the potential for growth and positive change, motivating them to remain committed to their partner despite the difficulties.

Challenges and Considerations

While the empathetic husband’s enduring love is admirable, it’s important to acknowledge the potential for negative consequences:

**Emotional Drain**:

  Constantly giving without receiving can lead to emotional exhaustion. The empathetic husband may struggle with feelings of burnout, resentment, and low self-esteem.

**Enabling Behavior**:

  In his desire to support his wife, the empathetic husband may inadvertently enable her narcissistic behaviour. Without boundaries, the narcissistic wife may continue to manipulate and dominate the relationship, perpetuating the cycle of imbalance.

**Personal Well-being**:

  The empathetic husband’s focus on his wife’s needs may lead to neglect of his own mental and emotional health. It’s crucial for him to establish boundaries and seek support to maintain his well-being.

Moving Forward

For the empathetic husband, finding a balance between supporting his narcissistic wife and maintaining his own well-being is key. This may involve:

**Setting Boundaries**:

  Establishing clear boundaries can help protect the empathetic husband’s emotional health and prevent the perpetuation of manipulative behaviour.

**Seeking Support**:

  Therapy or support groups can provide the empathetic husband with the tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of his relationship.

**Fostering Open Communication**:

  Encouraging honest and open communication can help address underlying issues and promote a healthier, more balanced relationship dynamic.


The relationship between a narcissistic wife and an empathetic husband is a testament to the complexities of human emotions and connections. Despite the inherent challenges, the empathetic husband’s unwavering love illustrates the power of empathy and unconditional positive regard. By understanding the dynamics at play and taking steps to maintain his well-being, the empathetic husband can navigate this challenging relationship with resilience and compassion.

God Bless all Couples...

Jacob M



Jacob had always been a strong man, both in body and spirit. A dedicated husband and a loving father, he spent his years providing for his family, ensuring they never wanted for anything. But as the years passed, his health began to falter. What started as fatigue and minor aches gradually turned into something more sinister, a slow but relentless deterioration that no doctor could halt.

As his strength waned, Jacob found himself confined to his bed more often than not. The once robust man who had carried the weight of his family now struggled with the simplest tasks. His heart ached not just from the physical pain but from the emotional distance that seemed to grow between him and his loved ones.

One evening, as the sun set and cast a golden hue over their small home, Jacob called his wife, Sarah, and their two children, Emily and Ben, to his bedside. With a frail voice, he expressed the depth of his love for them.

"Sarah," he whispered, reaching out to her, "you have been my rock, my everything. I love you more than words can say. And Emily, Ben, you are my pride and joy. I am so proud of the people you are becoming. I love you all deeply."

Sarah glanced at him, her eyes filled with a mix of frustration and impatience. "Jacob, we know you love us, but we have our lives to live. We can't be here all the time."

Emily, her eyes glued to her phone, barely looked up. "Yeah, Dad. We've heard this a million times. Just rest."

Ben, engrossed in his video game, nodded absentmindedly. "Sure, Dad. Love you too."

Jacob's heart shattered at their indifference. He had hoped for comfort, for a sign that his love had not been in vain, that his sacrifices had meant something. But as the days turned into weeks, he realized that his family had already moved on, their lives orbiting around concerns far removed from his own.

His condition worsened, and the end drew near. In his final moments, Jacob closed his eyes and took solace in the memories of the life he had lived, and the love he had given. Even if it was not reciprocated in his last days, he held on to the hope that somewhere, deep down, his love had left an indelible mark on their hearts.

With a final breath, Jacob let go, finding peace in the belief that he had done his best, that his love, though unreturned in his final days, had once been the centre of his world. And that, he hoped, would one day be enough. But he knew he had already lost everything...

For God was with him all the way...

Grant me eternal peace, my Lord.

Jacob M

"Men's Mental Health"

 Since Last Month June was "Men's Mental Health", Many times I've heard that Men's mental health is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of overall well-being. But seriously Men's mental health is considered a joke by many people. My wife said to me once, your mental health is a joke". June, designated as Men's Mental Health Month, aims to bring attention to the unique mental health challenges faced by men and encourage open discussions, support, and understanding. Despite the growing awareness efforts, the question remains: how many truly cared about men's mental health last month?

In recent years, there has been a gradual shift in societal attitudes toward mental health, with increasing recognition of its importance. However, the specific focus on men's mental health still battles against longstanding stigmas and cultural norms that often discourage men from seeking help. Traditional notions of masculinity, which value stoicism, self-reliance, and emotional restraint, can prevent men from acknowledging their struggles and reaching out for support.

During Men's Mental Health Month in June, various organizations, media outlets, and influencers made concerted efforts to raise awareness. Campaigns highlighted statistics showing higher rates of suicide, substance abuse, and untreated mental health conditions among men. Social media platforms buzzed with hashtags like #MensMentalHealth and #BreakTheStigma, aiming to create a supportive community where men could share their experiences without fear of judgment.

Despite these efforts, the impact of such campaigns often depends on the broader societal willingness to engage with the issue. While some individuals and groups passionately advocated for men's mental health, the overall response remained mixed. Many people shared posts, attended webinars, and engaged in conversations about mental health, demonstrating a growing empathy and concern. Yet, a significant portion of the population remained indifferent, caught up in their routines and unaware of the specific challenges men face.

Workplaces, where many men spend a substantial part of their lives, showed varying levels of engagement. Progressive companies implemented mental health programs, offered counselling services, and fostered open dialogues about emotional well-being. However, in less supportive environments, the topic of mental health remained taboo, with men reluctant to appear vulnerable or weak in a professional setting.

Healthcare systems also reflected this dichotomy. Mental health services saw an uptick in men seeking help, influenced by the awareness campaigns. Yet, access to these services was not uniform, with disparities based on geographic location, socioeconomic status, and cultural background. Rural areas, in particular, often lacked the necessary resources, leaving men without adequate support.

Ultimately, while Men's Mental Health Month succeeded in shining a light on critical issues, the depth of engagement and care varied widely. Some men found the courage to speak out and seek help, supported by a network of understanding peers and family members. Others, however, continued to struggle in silence, constrained by societal expectations and a lack of accessible resources.

Moving forward, the challenge lies in sustaining the momentum beyond a single month. True progress requires a cultural shift that normalizes conversations about mental health for men, dismantles harmful stereotypes, and ensures that support is readily available and accessible to all. By fostering an environment where men feel comfortable expressing their emotions and seeking help, society can make significant strides toward better mental health outcomes for everyone.

In conclusion, while Men's Mental Health Month in June sparked important discussions and highlighted critical issues, the level of care and engagement varied. For some, it was a month of awakening and support; for others, it passed by unnoticed. The journey toward comprehensive mental health care for men is ongoing, demanding continued effort, empathy, and action from all corners of society.

God Bless You ALL...

Jacob M

Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:18

  Word for today:  Verse:   Genesis 45:18 ‘I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land.’ - God worke...