“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in Peace.” ― St. Benedict
Thursday, 25 July 2024
Word for today: Verse: Romans 8:14
Word for today: Verse: Romans 8:14
‘For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.’
- Part of the privilege we have is to be led by God’s Spirit.
- He wants to lead us and show us the right path to take.
- Flowing out of our relationship with Him comes this wonderful benefit.
- Ask the Lord to lead you and He will direct your paths.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I can be Your child. As Your child, I ask that You would come and lead and guide me in the situations that I am facing. I want to do Your will and so I ask You to lead me and point me in the right direction. Amen.
Have an awesome Thursday.
Kind Regards
Jacob M
Friday, 19 July 2024
Word for today: Verse: 2 Kings 6:16
Word for today: Verse: 2 Kings 6:16
‘Do not be afraid,’ Elisha answered, ‘for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’
- Never doubt God’s ability and His unseen strength and power.
- When we look at our circumstances, they may seem overwhelming.
- God has weapons that we know nothing about and they are greater than our troubles.
- If we could see things from His perspective, we would not fear.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to become consumed by the issues and challenges that I am facing. You are more than able to undertake and to bring me through the challenges. May I never limit Your power and ability to work in my life. Amen.
Have a great weekend.
Kind Regards
Jacob M
Thursday, 18 July 2024
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 56:9 NLT
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 56:9 NLT
‘My enemies will retreat when I call to You for help. This I know: God is on my side!’
- Calling on God for help changes situations.
- As we call for help, we are placing those situations in His hands.
- Have confidence and courage because God is with you.
- Let the fact that He is on your side be greater than the fear of your enemies.
PRAYER: Lord, as I call on You today, I believe that You can step into my situation and turn things around, causing my enemies to retreat. You are with me, You are by my side and I know this to be true! Amen.
Have an awesome Thursday.
Kind Regards
God Bless Us All
Jacob M
O my crucified God, behold me at Your feet; do not cast me out, now that I appear before You as a sinner. I have offended You exceedingly in the past, my Jesus, but it shall be so no longer.
Before You, O Lord, I place all my sins; I have now considered Your own sufferings and see how great is the worth of that Precious Blood that flows from Your veins.
O my God, at this hour close Your eyes to my want of merit, and since You have been pleased to die for my sins, grant me forgiveness for them all, that I may no longer feel the burden of my sins, for this burden, Dear Jesus, oppresses me beyond measure.
Assist me, my Jesus, for I desire to become good whatsoever it may cost; take away, destroy, utterly root out all that You find in me contrary to Your holy will. At the same time, I pray You, Lord Jesus, to enlighten me that I may be able to walk in Your holy light. Amen.
God Bless Us All...
Jacob M
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 37:5
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 37:5
‘Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it.’
- There is something wonderful about trusting God with our future.
- Our tomorrows are uncertain, but God tells us to trust Him.
- When we commit our plans to Him, it demonstrates our trust in Him.
- His promise to us is that He will bring to pass what we entrust to Him.
PRAYER: Lord, today I take this moment to submit and commit my path and my future into Your eternal hands. I choose to trust in You and to rely on Your promise that You will do it! Amen.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Kind Regards
Jacob M
Quote of the day by - Fr. Gabriele Amorth
“Men are free to choose whether they wish to live for God or against Him and therefore to opt for heaven or for hell. We must recognize that God has made everything to make man happy, and in accordance with this plan, God asks man to obey the laws that He has established; but God has also given man the ability to refuse this truth. This is the situation in which all of us are placed.”
― Fr. Gabriele Amorth
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
What do you want to be when you grow up?"
ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ʜᴀɪʟ ᴍᴀʀʏ’s ᴅᴇᴠᴏᴛɪᴏɴ
ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ʜᴀɪʟ ᴍᴀʀʏ’s ᴅᴇᴠᴏᴛɪᴏɴ
“The first will be in honour of God the Father, Whose omnipotence raised my soul so high above every other creature that after God I have the greatest power in heaven and on earth. In the hour of your death I will use that power of God the Father to keep any hostile power far from you.
“The second Hail Mary will be said in honor of the Son of God Who communicated His inscrutable wisdom to me. In the hour of your death I will fill your soul with the light of that wisdom so that all the darkness of ignorance and error will be dispelled.
“The third Hail Mary will be in honor of God the Holy Ghost Who filled my soul with the sweetness of His love and tenderness and mercy. In your last hour I will then change the bitterness of death into divine sweetness and delight.”
Practice: Recite morning and evening, three Hail Mary’s in honor of the three great privileges bestowed upon Our Blessed Mother by the most Blessed Trinity with this invocation at the end: for the morning: “O my Mother preserve me from mortal sin during this day.” For the evening: “O my Mother preserve me from mortal sin during this night.”
God Bless Us All...
Jacob M
Prayer to St. Benedict
Prayer to St. Benedict:
Admirable Saint and Doctor of Humility, you practised what you taught, assiduously praying for God’s glory and lovingly fulfilling all work for God and the benefit of all human beings. You know the many physical dangers that surround us today often caused or occasioned by human inventions. Guard us against poisoning of the body as well as of mind and soul, and thus be truly a “Blessed” one for us. Amen.
God Bless Us All...
Jacob M
St. Benedict is a POWERFUL intercessor against evil.
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 55:22
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 55:22
‘Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.’
- The Lord does not want us to be overwhelmed or rattled by the issues of life.
- He invites us to bring our cares to Him.
- He wants us to trust in His ability to sustain and support us.
- When we live in this way, it brings peace and confidence into our lives.
PRAYER: Lord, today I bring my cares and concerns to You. Thank You so that I can have the opportunity and privilege of being able to do this. You are the One Who will sustain, carry and support me and You are the One Who will hold me securely. Amen.
Have a blessed Tuesday.
Kind Regards
God Bless Us All
Jacob M
Word for today Verse: Genesis 5:22
Word for today Verse: Genesis 5:22
‘Enoch walked with God…’
- Our lives were never meant to be a path of walking alone.
- Every aspect of our lives was designed to be done in step with God.
- You can walk with God through the good times and the difficult times.
- He will see you through, He will take you by the hand and lead you.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I was never created to walk alone. It was always part of Your plan to be with me and for me to know Your abiding presence in my life. I choose to walk with You. Amen.
Have a great week.
Kind Regards
Jacob M
Friday, 12 July 2024
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 17:1
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 17:1
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, ‘I am God Almighty; walk before Me faithfully and be blameless.’
- The Lord is never finished working in our lives.
- Every stage and every season of our lives is important to the Lord.
- Just because circumstances look challenging does not mean it is the end.
- No matter what the situation, have faith and believe in the Lord your God.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to follow You and to be faithful to You in spite of every storm that may surround me. You know the plans You have for me and I will trust in You to bring those things to pass. Amen.
Have a great weekend.
Kind Regards
God Bless Us All...
Jacob M
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Saint Charbel
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Why is St. Benedict the Patron Saint of Exorcists...
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:27
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:27
‘When they told him everything Joseph had said, and when he saw the carts Joseph had sent to carry him back, the spirit of their father Jacob revived.’
- The Lord wants to step into your life and revive your heart and your soul.
- He can take cold hard hearts and turn them into hearts of flesh.
- He wants His goodness to come and restore your soul.
- May HE breathe new life into you and revive your spirit right now.
PRAYER: Lord, come sweet Spirit of God and bring new life and new hope into my heart today. May my heart come alive as You make a way for me. Fill me with hope and confidence and may my spirit be revived today. Amen.
Have a blessed Tuesday.
Kind Regards
God Bless You All...
Jacob M
Monday, 8 July 2024
### Revenge
The night was still, with the occasional rustle of leaves breaking the silence. Daniel sat on his porch, nursing a glass of whiskey, the amber liquid reflecting the dim light of the moon. He replayed the events of the past year in his mind, his heart aching with a mix of betrayal and anger.
Sophie, the woman he had loved deeply, had abandoned him. Not only had she cheated on him, but she had also manipulated their children, turning them against him. The pain of her infidelity was a deep wound, but the way she had twisted the minds of their kids was a betrayal that burned even more fiercely.
Daniel had been a devoted husband and father. He had worked long hours to provide for his family, sacrificing his dreams for theirs. But Sophie had thrown it all away, seeking excitement in the arms of other men. He discovered the truth by accident, a forgotten text message left open on her phone. When he confronted her, she didn’t deny it. Instead, she blamed him for everything, painting herself as the victim.
The Marriage had been brutal. Sophie had used her charm and lies to gain sympathy from Everyone, securing custody of the children. They now saw Daniel as the villain, thanks to her constant brainwashing. He felt helpless as he watched his family slip through his fingers.
Daniel’s thoughts turned to revenge. He wanted to expose Sophie for what she truly was and show the world the men she had cheated with. He had gathered evidence—photos, texts, and emails—painstakingly collected over the months. He knew the scandal it would cause, how it would ruin her carefully constructed facade.
But as he stared into the darkness, a question gnawed at him: Was revenge worth it? Would it bring him the peace he so desperately craved, or would it only deepen his wounds?
The next day, Daniel met with his lawyer, Sarah, to discuss his options. She had been a fierce advocate. and he trusted her judgment.
“You have enough evidence to ruin her,” Sarah said, looking over the documents. “But what do you hope to achieve?”
“I want justice,” Daniel replied. “I want people to see her for who she really is.”
Sarah sighed. “Revenge might give you momentary satisfaction, but it won’t heal your pain. You need to think about what’s best for you and your kids in the long run.”
Daniel left the office conflicted. That evening, he went for a walk, seeking clarity. As he wandered the streets, he saw a group of children playing in a park. Their laughter reminded him of happier times with his own kids. He realized that exposing Sophie would only create more chaos and pain, especially for the children.
He made a decision. Instead of pursuing revenge, he would focus on rebuilding his life and fighting for his kids in a different way. He would be patient, showing them through his actions that he was not the monster their mother made him out to be. He would become the father they needed, a stable and loving presence in their lives.
Months turned into years, and Daniel’s patience paid off. Slowly, his children began to see the truth. They started spending more time with him, and the bond that had been fractured began to heal. Sophie’s manipulations lost their power as the kids experienced first-hand the love and care Daniel had to offer.
In the end, Daniel realized that the best revenge was living a good life. By choosing love and patience over anger and spite, he not only reclaimed his children but also found peace within himself. Sophie’s lies and deceit faded into the background, a reminder of the past that no longer had a hold on his future.
after looking at this true story I remembered God's word.
Romans 12:19. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. ...
God Help Us All...
Jacob M
Aren’t You Scared to Die Alone?
### Aren’t You Scared to Die Alone?
The question "Aren't you scared to die alone?" touches on a deeply existential fear that many people grapple with. The idea of facing the end of life in solitude, without the comfort and presence of loved ones, can be a source of immense anxiety. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of this fear, examining why it resonates so powerfully, the societal and personal implications, and how individuals might find peace with this inevitable aspect of the human condition.
#### The Universal Fear of Isolation
At its core, the fear of dying alone is rooted in the broader fear of isolation. Human beings are inherently social creatures who thrive on connection and companionship. The thought of departing this world without anyone by our side magnifies our innate fear of being alone. This fear is not just about physical solitude but also about the emotional and psychological void that such a scenario represents.
#### Societal Expectations and Stigmas
Society often reinforces the fear of dying alone through its emphasis on relationships and family. There is a pervasive cultural narrative that equates a fulfilling life with being surrounded by loved ones until the very end. Those who lack these connections may feel stigmatized or judged, which exacerbates the fear. This societal pressure can make individuals feel inadequate or fearful about their future, especially as they age.
#### Personal Reflections and Experiences
On a personal level, the fear of dying alone can be influenced by individual experiences and reflections. People who have experienced significant loss or have spent extended periods in loneliness may be more acutely aware of this fear. Additionally, those who struggle with forming close relationships might worry about the implications for their final moments. Personal health issues or the experience of watching others die alone can also shape these anxieties.
#### Finding Meaning and Acceptance
Despite the fear, many people find ways to reconcile with the idea of dying alone. Some find solace in spirituality or religion, believing in an afterlife or a higher purpose that transcends physical solitude. Others focus on building meaningful connections throughout their lives, ensuring that even if they die alone, their life was rich with relationships and love. Accepting mortality and embracing the present moment can also help mitigate the fear of an unknown future.
#### The Role of Community and Support Systems
Communities and support systems play a crucial role in alleviating the fear of dying alone. Hospice care, volunteer organizations, and social networks can provide companionship and comfort to those facing the end of life. The presence of compassionate caregivers and supportive friends can make a significant difference, reducing feelings of isolation and abandonment.
#### The Philosophical Perspective
From a philosophical standpoint, the fear of dying alone can be seen as a reflection of deeper existential questions. It forces us to confront the meaning of life, the nature of existence, and the inevitability of death. Some philosophers argue that coming to terms with these questions can lead to a more profound acceptance of our mortality, whether or not we face it alone.
#### Conclusion
The fear of dying alone is a complex and deeply personal issue that resonates with many people. It encompasses the universal fear of isolation, societal expectations, personal experiences, and existential reflections. While the fear is powerful, it is possible to find peace through meaningful connections, spiritual beliefs, and supportive communities. By embracing the present and finding acceptance, individuals can mitigate the fear of dying alone and live more fulfilling lives, regardless of what the future holds.
God Bless Us All...
Jacob M
My Heart Sinks When I Go to Funerals
### My Heart Sinks When I Go to Funerals
Funerals are somber events that inevitably evoke a deep sense of sadness and reflection. For me, attending a funeral is an emotionally overwhelming experience that causes my heart to sink. It’s a unique blend of grief for the departed, empathy for the bereaved, and a stark reminder of the fragility of life. This essay explores why funerals have such a profound impact on me and how they shape my understanding of mortality and the human condition.
#### The Weight of Grief
When I attend a funeral, the weight of grief is almost palpable. The collective sorrow of those gathered creates an atmosphere heavy with emotion. Seeing the tears and hearing the choked voices of family and friends as they remember their loved one brings a lump to my throat. It’s impossible not to be moved by their pain and the realization that someone who was once vibrant and full of life is no longer with us.
#### Empathy for the Bereaved
At the heart of my emotional response to funerals is a deep empathy for the bereaved. Witnessing their loss and the raw display of their emotions is profoundly affecting. I can’t help but imagine myself in their shoes, grappling with the absence of someone dear. This empathy extends beyond those I know personally; even at the funerals of acquaintances or strangers, the shared human experience of loss resonates deeply with me.
#### The Fragility of Life
Funerals also serve as stark reminders of the fragility of life. They force me to confront the reality that life is finite and unpredictable. This awareness can be unsettling, making me acutely aware of my own mortality and that of those I love. The rituals and traditions of a funeral, from the eulogy to the burial or cremation, underscore the finality of death and the impermanence of our existence.
#### The Celebration of Life
Despite the sadness, funerals are also a celebration of life. Listening to stories about the deceased’s achievements, quirks, and the impact they had on others’ lives can be uplifting. It reminds me that life, though temporary, is meaningful and full of moments worth cherishing. However, this juxtaposition of joy and sorrow can be emotionally taxing, adding to the heaviness I feel.
#### Personal Reflections
Every funeral prompts personal reflection. I find myself thinking about my own life, my relationships, and what legacy I might leave behind. It’s a moment to reassess priorities and values, to appreciate the people in my life, and to resolve to live more fully and authentically. Yet, these reflections are often tinged with a sense of melancholy, knowing that time is limited and unpredictable.
#### The Power of Community
One of the few consolations at a funeral is the sense of community. The gathering of people who come to support one another in their time of grief is a testament to human compassion and solidarity. It’s a reminder that, even in our darkest moments, we are not alone. However, this shared sorrow can amplify my own feelings of sadness, as the collective grief of the community becomes a powerful force.
#### Conclusion
Attending funerals is an emotionally complex experience that causes my heart to sink. The profound sadness, empathy for the bereaved, and the contemplation of life’s fragility all contribute to the overwhelming nature of these events. Yet, amidst the sorrow, there is also a celebration of life and a reaffirmation of the bonds that connect us. While funerals remind us of the inevitability of death, they also highlight the importance of living fully and cherishing every moment we have with those we love.
God Bless Us All...
Jacob M
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 28:15a
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 28:15a
‘Look, I am with you, and I will watch over you wherever you go…’
- The Lord wants you to know that His presence is with you.
- He is watching over you and He will be with you wherever you go.
- His presence includes His protection and guidance along the path of life.
- Look, realise, and take note of the fact that He is with you right now.
PRAYER: Lord, how awesome it is to know that You are with me. As I sit here, may I realise that I am not alone, for You are with me to protect, guide and provide for me each and every day. Amen.
Have a great week.
Kind Regards
God Bless Us All
Jacob M
Saturday, 6 July 2024
Saint Maria Goretti
Friday, 5 July 2024
Am I Ugly? Am I So Useless? A Question Every Man Thinks About Himself...
### Am I Ugly? Am I So Useless? A Question Every Man Thinks About Himself
In the quiet moments of introspection, many men grapple with self-doubt, often asking themselves, "Am I ugly? Am I so useless?" These questions, though deeply personal, are almost universal in their reach. They tap into the core of human vulnerability, where self-worth and appearance are constantly evaluated and re-evaluated.
#### The Roots of Self-Doubt
Self-doubt can stem from various sources. Societal standards, media portrayals of the "ideal" man, and personal experiences all play significant roles. From a young age, boys are bombarded with images and messages about what it means to be attractive and successful. Those who don’t fit these often unrealistic standards can feel inadequate or unworthy.
Family dynamics and early childhood experiences also contribute significantly to self-perception. Criticism, neglect, or excessive pressure to achieve can plant seeds of doubt that grow into larger insecurities over time. Similarly, negative experiences in school or social settings, such as bullying or exclusion, can have long-lasting effects on self-esteem.
#### The Impact of Media and Culture
The media perpetuates narrow definitions of beauty and success. Movies, advertisements, and social media often depict men with chiseled physiques, perfect hair, and high-status lifestyles. When real life doesn't measure up to these idealized images, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Social media, in particular, exacerbates this issue by showcasing curated versions of people’s lives, making the comparison game even more damaging.
#### Psychological Effects
The impact of these doubts goes beyond mere thoughts. They can lead to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The question "Am I useless?" can manifest as imposter syndrome, where individuals feel they don’t deserve their achievements or are frauds in their personal and professional lives. This can hinder career growth, personal relationships, and overall well-being.
#### Breaking the Cycle
1. **Self-Acceptance**: Embracing oneself, flaws and all, is crucial. Understanding that perfection is an unrealistic goal and that everyone has their unique strengths and weaknesses is a step toward self-acceptance.
2. **Positive Affirmations**: Regularly practicing positive affirmations can help rewire negative thought patterns. Simple statements like "I am enough" or "I am capable" can gradually shift one’s mindset.
3. **Seeking Support**: Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional about these feelings can provide perspective and validation. It’s essential to remember that it’s okay to seek help.
4. **Limiting Media Consumption**: Reducing exposure to media that perpetuates unrealistic standards can be beneficial. Curating social media feeds to follow accounts that promote body positivity and mental health can create a healthier online environment.
5. **Focusing on Strengths**: Identifying and nurturing one’s strengths can boost self-esteem. Engaging in activities that highlight personal skills and passions can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
#### Conclusion
The questions "Am I ugly?" and "Am I so useless?" are deeply human, reflecting the innate desire for acceptance and purpose. While these doubts can be debilitating, it’s important to challenge and address them. By fostering self-acceptance, seeking support, and cultivating a positive self-image, men can navigate these insecurities and build a healthier relationships with themselves.
Remember, everyone has moments of self-doubt, but they do not define one’s worth or potential.
God Bless Us All
Jacob M
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 126:2
Word for today: Verse: Psalm 126:2
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them.’
- The blessing of God on our lives brings joy into our hearts.
- It is part of His character and nature to do great things for us.
- Here the Lord restored the fortunes of His people and great joy followed.
- He wants to do the same for you, so expect good things from His hand.
PRAYER: Lord, it is so wonderful to see how You intervene in the lives of people and turn things around. I trust You with the things that I am concerned about and I have confidence that You will do great things for me. Amen.
Have a great weekend.
Kind Regards
God Bless Us All
Jacob M
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:26
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:26
And they told him, ‘Joseph is still alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt.’ And Jacob’s heart stood still, because he did not believe them.
- What God has in store for you can be more than you had hoped for.
- Even when things are difficult, He can still do miracles in our lives.
- Don’t let doubt and disbelief rob you of what God can do.
- Keep believing and keep pressing ahead with a heart that is full of hope.
PRAYER: Lord, how awesome it is to know that You can do impossible things. You can even bring life to those areas of my life that I have written off or given up on. Help me to not lose heart, but help me to believe with confidence. Amen.
Have an awesome Thursday.
Kind Regards
God Bless Us All
Jacob M
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:18
Word for today: Verse: Genesis 45:18
‘I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land.’
- God worked in Pharoah’s heart and he gave Joseph’s family the best.
- The Lord has your best interests at heart.
- He wants you to experience His blessing and favour on your life.
- So hold onto your confidence in Him and believe for His best for you.
PRAYER: Lord, how great it is to know that You want to bless and provide for my life and situation. Help me to hold onto You and to trust that I will see Your goodness in my life. Amen.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Kind Regards
Jacob M
In Memory of Mr Dean Menezes: A Tribute to an Exceptional Leader
Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day.
In Memory of Mr Dean Menezes: A Tribute to an Exceptional Leader
The sudden and tragic illness that took Mr Dean Menezes from us has left an indelible mark on our hearts and our workplace. As we come to terms with this profound loss, it is important to reflect on the incredible person he was and the lasting impact he had on all of us.
Mr. Dean Menezes was a beacon of strength and integrity in our professional lives. His leadership style was both empowering and inspiring. He believed in fostering a collaborative environment where every voice was heard and valued. His ability to listen and provide constructive feedback helped each of us grow not just as employees, but as individuals.
One of the defining qualities of Mr. Dean Menezes was his relentless commitment to excellence. He led by example, always striving to go above and beyond in everything he did. His passion for the work was contagious, and he motivated us to push our boundaries and reach new heights. His vision for the company was not just about success in the market, but about creating a workplace where innovation thrived, and where everyone felt they were contributing to something greater.
But beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Dean Menezes was a man of great compassion and kindness. He understood the importance of work-life balance and encouraged us to take care of ourselves and our families. He often reminded us that our well-being was paramount, and his genuine concern for our personal lives fostered a sense of loyalty and respect that went both ways.
I will always remember the times Mr Dean Menezes went out of his way to support me during difficult times. Whether it was a family emergency, a personal crisis, or just a tough day at work, he was always there with a reassuring word and a helping hand. His empathy and understanding were a source of comfort for many of us, and his ability to connect on a personal level made him more than just a boss – he was a friend.
Mr. Dean Menezes also had a remarkable ability to see potential in people that they often did not see in themselves. He was a mentor to many, guiding us with wisdom and patience. His faith in our abilities gave us the confidence to take on new challenges and achieve things we never thought possible. He had a unique talent for bringing out the best in everyone, and this is something we will always cherish and strive to emulate.
The legacy of Mr. Dean Menezes is one of dedication, integrity, and compassion. His influence extends far beyond the confines of our office walls. He touched the lives of everyone he met with his kindness and generosity. His commitment to the community and his philanthropic efforts were a testament to his belief in giving back and making the world a better place.
As we move forward, we carry with us the lessons he taught us and the example he set. We will honour his memory by continuing to strive for excellence, by supporting one another, and by leading with the same integrity and compassion that he exemplified every day. Mr Dean Menezes may no longer be with us in person, but his spirit and his legacy will continue to guide us in all that we do.
In remembering Mr. Dean Menezes, we celebrate a truly well-lived life. He was a leader, a mentor, a friend, and a beacon of light in our lives. I’m profoundly grateful for the time I’ve had with him and will forever be inspired by his remarkable life.
I thank you Sir for making me what I am today, you taught me a lot and I learnt a lot from you and I'm grateful to you. You will be greatly missed, never forget you. Until we meet again. Farewell, Sir. I've been beyond lucky to know you. You are forever in our hearts.
It's so hard to say goodbye.
God Bless You, Sir,
Rest In Peace...
Jacob M
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
ᴊᴜʟʏ ɪs ᴅᴇᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ
ᴊᴜʟʏ ɪs ᴅᴇᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ
The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood. The feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord was instituted in 1849 by Pius IX, but the devotion is as old as Christianity. The early Fathers say that the Church was born from the pierced side of Christ and that the sacraments were brought forth through His Blood.
“The Precious Blood which we worship is the Blood which the Savior shed for us on Calvary and reassumed at His glorious Resurrection; it is the Blood which courses through the veins of His risen, glorified, living body at the right hand of God the Father in heaven; it is the Blood made present on our altars by the words of Consecration; it is the Blood which merited sanctifying grace for us and through it washes and beautifies our soul and inaugurates the beginning of eternal life in it.”
St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers,
upon which Our Lord revealed to them:
To all the faithful who shall recite for 3 years, each day,
2 “Our Fathers”, 2 “Hail Marys” and 2 “Glory Be’s”, in honour of the drops of Blood, I lost, I will concede
the following 5 graces:
1st The plenary indulgence and remittance of your sins.
2nd You will be free from the pains of Purgatory.
3rd If you should die before completing the said 3 years, for you it will be the same as if you had completed them.
4th It will be upon your death the same as if you had shed all your blood for the Holy Faith.
5th I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.
Silence or Ego...
Dear Readers, I always believed that the truth would be enough. That if I stayed honest, did no harm, and lived with integrity, life would...

Verse: Jeremiah 30:17 ‘I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD. - God is in the business of healing and rest...
Greetings!!!! I am an avid learner, or what you can say is "this guy is hungry!" In better pretext " I'm hungry!!!" ...