Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Word for today: Verse: Psalm 55:22


Word for today: Verse:   Psalm 55:22

‘Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.’

- The Lord does not want us to be overwhelmed or rattled by the issues of life.

- He invites us to bring our cares to Him.

- He wants us to trust in His ability to sustain and support us.

- When we live in this way, it brings peace and confidence into our lives.

PRAYER: Lord, today I bring my cares and concerns to You. Thank You so that I can have the opportunity and privilege of being able to do this. You are the One Who will sustain, carry and support me and You are the One Who will hold me securely. Amen.

Have a blessed Tuesday.

Kind Regards

God Bless Us All

Jacob M

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