Saturday, 28 January 2023

Prayer My Children Would Say Daily...

Angel of God, My guardian dear 
To whom God loves, 
Commits me here ever this day and night, 
To be at my side To light and guard, To rule and guide 
Dear heavenly Father, Jesus, Mary, Joseph 
Make me a Good Girl / Make me a Good Boy. 
Take care of my parents Take care of my grandparents Pray for my late grandparents 
Take care of my cousins Take care of all my uncles and aunts And keep them all in good health. 
And I cover all my family members with all the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Please keep us and save us all from the satanic attacks. 
Thank you, heavenly Father, Thank you, Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit Thank you, Mother Mary, 
Thank you St Joseph Thank you all the archangels Thank you all the angels and saints. 
Thank you to all the priests and nuns 
Thank you to all the Family and relatives who have gone to the heavenly abode but will never be forgotten. 
Praise the Heavenly Father
Praise Jesus Christ 

St. Michael the Archangel

Dear Readers,

These days the Novenas of St. Michael are going on. Kindly Pray for all the people all over the world.

St. Michael the Archangel Novena

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Michael the Archangel, we honor you as a powerful protector of the Church and guardian of our souls. Inspire us with your humility, courage, and strength so that we may reject sin and perfect our love for our Heavenly Father.

In your strength and humility, slay the evil and pride in our hearts so that nothing will keep us from God.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray that we may be blessed by God with the zeal to live our lives in accordance with Christ’s teachings.

St. Michael the Archangel, you are the prince of angels but in your humility, you recognized that God is God and you are but His servant. Unlike satan, you were not overcome with pride but were steadfast in humility. Pray that we will have this same humility.

It is in the spirit of that humility that we ask for your intercession for our petitions…

(state your petitions)

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.”


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Why Do Narcissists Exist?


Monday, 23 January 2023

Have we been replaced???

Dear Readers,

How life has changed over the passed years. It’s like when I look back, I see the landscape that I have walked through. But it’s different, life is different.

All the trees are gone. Some have been replaced and some have not. But of course it seems there are remnants of them.

But it is the afterglow which is inside of all those, we all have met and have meant something in our lives…


God bless us all…

Coming Soon!!!


Prayer For Thanksgiving!!!

Dear God,

You are the light of the world.

Because of You, I no longer walk in darkness but in Your light. May my life reflect Your truth, pointing others to You and bringing glory to Your name.

Give me the strength and courage to share the hope that I have in You.

This world is broken, but You make what’s broken whole again.

This year, draw near to the lost, the lonely, and the hurting. And, please draw near to me.

May Your love bring us together, mending division and unifying Your global Church.

No matter what this year holds, You are faithful and Your promises are true.

Thank You for the eternal hope that I have in You.

In Jesus's name,


Sunday, 22 January 2023

Romeo's first F1 race!!! Coming up behind Juliet....

Ever since my son Romeo 😎 started watching formula 1 πŸš—serial on Netflix. He has become a really hard-core determined individual, that he would like to become a F1 driver and nevertheless my daughter Juliet πŸ˜‡ too. But with my fingers are crossed. Becoz I have faith in them with their determination and with God's help they will reach for the stars.

It has been everyone's dream, to be a formula 1πŸš—driver. And it's a fact, It's an honor and a prestigious moment to just drive for a team. which parent would'nt be happy. I would be happy. May it be Mercedes, Ferrari, Redbull, Renault, McLaren, Haas F1, or Aston Martin, and the list of teams keeps on going on.


No matter what. Whether they lose or win. For me and for us all. Everyone is a winner πŸ†. We shouldn't be here to judge anyone. Whether they didn't perform well or not. We have to stand by them and always cheer for them. Always have a happy face like Daniel Riccardo does. He has a contagious smile. He forever is a cheerful guy. My son Romeo adores him. Hey and not to forget my daughter Juliet has a crush on Max Verstappen 😍.  Heh heh heh. But hey she is too small for him. πŸ˜›πŸ˜œ

Hope I didn't forget anyone??? 😯😯😯

Oops!!! I really forgot the kings and the armies!!!

Hey where did i reach from where to where????

I think I should take a break?

Anyway Romeo & Juliet follow your dreams πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ and dont worry i will be there one day...

Don't worry I will be back soon... with something different.....

Friday, 20 January 2023


Dear Precious and Perfect Heavenly Father,

Thank you for blessing me with such an amazing husband/wife who I deeply cherish and desire. Please physically protect him/her as he/she pursues his/her work for the day. Watch over him/her as he/she drives on the road with crazy drivers, and engages in a hurting world of crazy people. When he/she is attacked by the enemy, by the Holy name and blood of Jesus Christ, I pray all oppression is muted and bounded, and that he/she feels the safety and protection of resting in your eternally all-powerful arms.

Help him/her be focused, authentic, engaging, and loving as he/she interacts with the people throughout the day. Help us both submit to the guiding love and light of the Holy Spirit as we relate with each other, family, friends, and strangers.

When he/she feels inadequate, unattractive, insignificant, insecure, unsure, overwhelmed, exhausted, secluded, or unimportant, help him/her be able to identify those as lies from Satan and run to you for defining herself by and resting in his/her identity as a holy son/daughter of the creator of the universe. Help him/her deeply desire you. Nudge him/her to spend time reading the Bible, talking with you, and worshiping you. Help him/her seek strength, mission, and fulfillment in you.

Thank you for the relationships in our lives that affirm us as a couple, and thank you for the friends you have blessed him/her with that affirm him/her and hold him/her accountable. Please provide him/her with more Godly Men/Women to surround him/her, mentor him/her, listen to him/her, appreciate him/her, she can lead and will love on him/her. Thank you for his/her desire to serve you, our church, and your people.

Please keep our minds pure in our desire and attraction for each other. Help us spiritually, physically, romantically, and emotionally pursue and pour into each other with our thoughts, words, and touch.

Please continue molding me into the Man/Woman He/she deserves and that humbly pursues the noble responsibility of modeling Christ’s submission and servanthood to the church. Empower me with wisdom to lead him/her and our household as I submit to You.

Help me joyfully serve Him/Her in all I do. Help me remember to thank and affirm Him/her as He/She serves and blesses me in so many ways, from genuinely caring about my day, to housework, to how He/She pursues you, to how He/She serves others in His/Her life.

As I get fearful about His/Her mortality, help me remember that you have merely loaned Him/Her to me for the entirety of our life. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of loving Him/Her and learning about you through our relationship with you and each other.

Thank you, God, for who you are, who my Husband/Wife is, who you are creating Him/Her to be, and the blessing of our marriage.

I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ whom you sacrificed on the cross so we may be in direct relationship and communion with you for all eternity.


Help Them !!!

My Dear readers, During these challenging times. Many of us treat Mental health, Depression & Anxiety as a sign of weakness, as a sign of vulnerability which is wrong. People should understand mental health depression & Anxiety shouldn't be treated like rubbish, outcasts people, or even abandon people which is wrong. As a matter of fact, even our own brothers & sisters might have been going through various problems. May it be like a failed marriage, losing someone they love, unemployment, or having a financial crisis. These situations have led them to either anxiety or depression, giving them an opportunity to give up. With Depression, unthinkable thoughts do come to mind. Please try to STOP as many people as possible who think of Suicide. Stop them from taking this step. Please talk to them. Tell them that they are not alone. They need us. They need our support. We are in it all together. Speak, console them and tell them that everything is gonna be all right.

Please Stop them!!!


Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Is dΓ©jΓ  vu a spiritual gift?

DΓ©jΓ  vu is a gift. 

It's a strange mixture of the past and the present that feels like it has a deep meaning, and you can use it to Be Here Now. Do you know the feeling that there's someone standing behind you, but when you turn to look, there's no one there? 

That's a gift, too.

A Prayer for a New Year...

Dear God,

You are the light of the world.

Because of You, I no longer walk in darkness but in Your light. May my life reflect Your truth, pointing others to You and bringing glory to Your name.

Give me the strength and courage to share the hope that I have in You.

This world is broken, but You make what’s broken whole again.

This year, draw near to the lost, the lonely, and the hurting. And, please draw near to me.

May Your love bring us together, mending division and unifying Your global Church.

No matter what this year holds, You are faithful and Your promises are true.

Thank You for the eternal hope that I have in You.

In Jesus’ name,


The Unappreciated life from my past!!!

My Beautiful Readers...

I would not be around when you read this letter. Don’t get angry at me. I know some of you genuinely cared for me, loved me, and treated me very well. I have no complaints about anyone. It was always with me. I feel a growing gap between my soul and my body. And I have become a monster. I always loved my wife & children very much & I still do. But everyone ridiculed me, for something I had not done.

Finally, this is the only letter I am getting to write.

I loved Science, Technology, Stars, Music, Nature, and above all People. but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced from life. Our feelings are second-hand. I feel that I m a side dish. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs are colored. Our originality is valid through artificial art. It has become terribly difficult to love without getting hurt. So in the end love is just a part of your imagination.

The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a nothing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of stardust. In every field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living.

I am writing this kind of letter for the first time. My first time of a final letter. Forgive me if I fail to make sense.

My life was a fatal accident. I can never recover from my loneliness and depression—the unappreciated life from my past.

I was wrong, all the while, in understanding the world. In understanding love, pain, life, and death. There was no urgency. But I was always rushing. Desperate to start a life. All the while, for some people, life itself is a curse, and I was cursed, cursed for life...

I am not hurt at this moment. I am not sad. I am just empty. Empty & Unconcerned about myself. That’s pathetic. Right ??? And that’s why I am writing this.

People may dub me as a coward, selfish, stupid, a father who has abandoned his family, especially his wife and children, once I am gone. I am not bothered about what I am called. I do believe in life-after-death stories, ghosts, evil, demons, or spirits. If there is anything at all I believe in, is that I believe in God and he will help me as he has always helped me and  I can travel to the stars. And know about the other worlds.

If you, who are reading this letter can do anything for me, my life has always been a roller coaster, particularly the words that were used for me, " WE DONT NEED YOU ANYMORE" rings in my mind day in and day out, she never took them back. But please God forgive them for what most unholy words they used.

Let my funeral be silent and smooth. I don't wanna be buried because I feel the cemetery won't have space for me, so I prefer to be cremated, ash to ash, dust to dust, and blown with the wind. Behave like I just appeared and gone. Do not shed tears for me. Know that some people will be happy that I'm dead than alive.

“From shadows to the stars.”

My beloved Children, I haven't abandoned you, if not in person I will be in spirit. Look at the stars i will shine bright for you both and also for Mama too. for i love you all a lot.

For one last time,

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ

I forgive especially those who have hurt me, and I pray to God to please forgive them and to keep my beloved ones safe from the evil that lingers around.

P.S. Don't worry even after you all read this letter i will still be alive.....

Reset Button...


Dear all.

There is no reset button in life. You can’t take anything back, and you can’t undo anything. All your actions have consequences, and the things you say and do today will have a lasting impact on the rest of your life. You must understand that, and you must be aware of it while making both small and big decisions throughout your day.


Here is the truth: It is hard to be in love with someone who meant the world to me. I don’t know how to turn that into poetry.


That's Life…

Thursday, 5 January 2023

You Can't live on Love and fresh air......

When someone doesn't love you back, it's like your heart cracks, it breaks a little more than it was before, you give it your all, you love them whole, all just what for, because they leave at the end, they use you in the name of a friend, its only on you they depend, but when their heart is fixed they leave you alone to fall, they leave you to bend down to pick up your pieces yourself and put them back together, it's like their heart changed from hot to cold like the weather, you doubt yourself and cry yourself to sleep, feeling worthless, hopeless, helpless, breathless, restless, you spend times thinking about how you were there for them only so they could get better but they leave so you could mend your heart alone after they've left you in terror, one sided love drives you crazy, but what's even worse is that, they promise you they won't leave but they’re vanished when the sun comes back up after the night ends, because they're done using you so the leave to look for better not knowing you were the best they could've ever got.

Monday, 2 January 2023

Figment of everyones Imagination...

A figment of everyone's Imagination :

In the dungeon of my heart,

I reside drowning in deep sorrow, hopeless and hurt, by my beloved.

And since then by all those who know me.

I feel like a negative in a dark room that refuses to develop.

In these doldrums, I drudge, sunrise to sunset.

I trip and hurt my face.

My noiseless scream goes unheeded

The duality of my existence,

it's black and white that seems to disappear in the background.


I know

I'm just a figment of everyone's Imagination.

By Joanna


What do you do when you lose someone???

I've never been so scared of losing something in my life, then again, nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do.

I never wanna see you in my future as a stranger. We’ve built so much together.

I never want to watch you walk by me as if we never met. It will kill me inside. I'm so scared of losing you. Although we've made promises, I'm simply scared that those promises won't mean much in the future. I don't know where we're heading. I'm just worried.

We started off as strangers, and I'm really hoping we don't end up as strangers.

What Scares me the most.

I'm afraid that you will meet new people and forget me... I'm scared that if we don't talk then I'll just become another person in your life, and I never want that to happen because you will always be someone special to me. I'm scared that one day someone will replace me in your heart and I will just be that one person who made you happy at one point in your life...

It scares me so much that one day we will drift apart, and I'll never hear from you again, it hurts, and I can't help but cry when I think that I might lose you from my life. I love you in my life and I always want you in it. so, to lose you would just hurt so much. I'm just so afraid. So, all I ask is please don't forget me. I don't want to become just another memory in your head. Miss you, my love.

I will just be a figment of your imagination.

Silence or Ego...

  Dear Readers, I always believed that the truth would be enough. That if I stayed honest, did no harm, and lived with integrity, life would...