Thursday, 5 January 2023

You Can't live on Love and fresh air......

When someone doesn't love you back, it's like your heart cracks, it breaks a little more than it was before, you give it your all, you love them whole, all just what for, because they leave at the end, they use you in the name of a friend, its only on you they depend, but when their heart is fixed they leave you alone to fall, they leave you to bend down to pick up your pieces yourself and put them back together, it's like their heart changed from hot to cold like the weather, you doubt yourself and cry yourself to sleep, feeling worthless, hopeless, helpless, breathless, restless, you spend times thinking about how you were there for them only so they could get better but they leave so you could mend your heart alone after they've left you in terror, one sided love drives you crazy, but what's even worse is that, they promise you they won't leave but they’re vanished when the sun comes back up after the night ends, because they're done using you so the leave to look for better not knowing you were the best they could've ever got.

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