Saturday, 28 January 2023

Prayer My Children Would Say Daily...

Angel of God, My guardian dear 
To whom God loves, 
Commits me here ever this day and night, 
To be at my side To light and guard, To rule and guide 
Dear heavenly Father, Jesus, Mary, Joseph 
Make me a Good Girl / Make me a Good Boy. 
Take care of my parents Take care of my grandparents Pray for my late grandparents 
Take care of my cousins Take care of all my uncles and aunts And keep them all in good health. 
And I cover all my family members with all the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Please keep us and save us all from the satanic attacks. 
Thank you, heavenly Father, Thank you, Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit Thank you, Mother Mary, 
Thank you St Joseph Thank you all the archangels Thank you all the angels and saints. 
Thank you to all the priests and nuns 
Thank you to all the Family and relatives who have gone to the heavenly abode but will never be forgotten. 
Praise the Heavenly Father
Praise Jesus Christ 

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