Sunday, 22 January 2023

Romeo's first F1 race!!! Coming up behind Juliet....

Ever since my son Romeo 😎 started watching formula 1 πŸš—serial on Netflix. He has become a really hard-core determined individual, that he would like to become a F1 driver and nevertheless my daughter Juliet πŸ˜‡ too. But with my fingers are crossed. Becoz I have faith in them with their determination and with God's help they will reach for the stars.

It has been everyone's dream, to be a formula 1πŸš—driver. And it's a fact, It's an honor and a prestigious moment to just drive for a team. which parent would'nt be happy. I would be happy. May it be Mercedes, Ferrari, Redbull, Renault, McLaren, Haas F1, or Aston Martin, and the list of teams keeps on going on.


No matter what. Whether they lose or win. For me and for us all. Everyone is a winner πŸ†. We shouldn't be here to judge anyone. Whether they didn't perform well or not. We have to stand by them and always cheer for them. Always have a happy face like Daniel Riccardo does. He has a contagious smile. He forever is a cheerful guy. My son Romeo adores him. Hey and not to forget my daughter Juliet has a crush on Max Verstappen 😍.  Heh heh heh. But hey she is too small for him. πŸ˜›πŸ˜œ

Hope I didn't forget anyone??? 😯😯😯

Oops!!! I really forgot the kings and the armies!!!

Hey where did i reach from where to where????

I think I should take a break?

Anyway Romeo & Juliet follow your dreams πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ and dont worry i will be there one day...

Don't worry I will be back soon... with something different.....

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