Monday, 10 June 2024

Prayer in time of Trial

 Prayer in time of trial

Oh, Master! I come to your feet to tell you all. I have buried my dead. I have lost what can never be restored to me in this world. I have come from the grave with half myself buried there. I have come back to a life with all its meaning gone from it—a life without joy, interest, anything to which my soul responds—a dreary waste stretching before me that I must cross alone. Where shall I turn for courage and for strength? Where but to you, to whom the disciples of John turned in their desolation? Open to me your arms and your heart. Listen to me tenderly whilst I tell you all my trouble. Speak to my soul and calm and strengthen it. Make up to me for what you have taken away. And if you ask me what compensation I desire, I answer: “None other than thyself, O Lord.”


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