Sunday, 9 June 2024

Deep Scrub with the Precious Blood and the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Deep Scrub with the Precious Blood and the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, I ask that you pour out the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus right now upon me. I ask that the Most Precious Blood would flood my memory, imagination, emotions, common sense power and cogitative power. I ask that these parts be completely flooded with the Most Precious Blood.  In the Most Holy Name of Jesus and through the power of the Most Precious Blood, I bind any and all evil spirits that may have attached to these parts or oppress them in any way, and in the name of Jesus command you to leave me now and go straight to the foot of the cross. I again ask you Lord to flood these parts with the Most Precious Blood and this time in the Name of Jesus and with the power of the Most Precious Blood, destroy any structures in these parts established by evil spirits. By your power Jesus, destroy these structures individually and separately and dissolve them in Your Most Precious Blood. Send upon me Heavenly Father, the Fire of the Holy Spirit to go through my memory, imagination, emotions, common sense power and cogitative power. I ask that the Fire of the Holy Spirit bring healing to these parts, to purify them, sanctify them and connect them to You, my Lord Jesus.

I now ask the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus to go to my heart.  I ask you to completely flood my heart now with the Most Precious Blood.  If any evil spirits have attached themselves to my heart or oppressed it anyway, in the Most Holy Name of Jesus, I bind you now and command you to leave me now and go directly to the foot of the cross for My Lord to do with as He wills.  I again ask you to flood my heart with the Most Precious Blood and this time to destroy any structures established by evil spirits in my heart.  Destroy them individually and separately and dissolve them in the Most Precious Blood.  I call upon the Fire of the Holy Spirit to go into my heart and I ask the fire of the Holy Spirit to bring healing to my heart, to purify it, sanctify it and connect it with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I now ask in the Most Holy Name of Jesus, for the Most Precious Blood to go through each of my five senses, both interior and exterior senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Lord, completely flood my senses with the Most Precious Blood. In the Most Holy Name of Jesus, I bind any evil spirits that may have attached or oppressed the senses in any way and through the power of the Most Precious Blood and Holy Name of Jesus I command you to leave me now and go directly to the foot of the cross. I ask again that you flood my senses with the Most Precious Blood and this time destroy any and all structures established by demons in my senses. Destroy these structures individually and separately and dissolve them in the Most Precious Blood.  I now call upon the Fire of the Holy Spirit to go through my senses right now. And I ask that the Fire of the Holy Spirit to heal my senses, purify them, sanctify them and connect them with our Lord Jesus. 

I ask Father that you give me the mind of Jesus and his heart. Give me the eyes of our Lord, the ears, the nose, the mouth and tongue, the hands and feet of our Lord. Configure me to the Sacred Heart of your Son Jesus. 

I now ask that the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus go through my entire nervous system.  I ask that it go from the front of my brain to the back of the brain, down my spine and out to every nerve of my body. I completely flood the nervous system again, and again and again. In the Most Holy Name of Jesus and through the power of His Most Precious Blood I bind any evil sprits who may be attached to my nervous system or oppress it in any way. I command you to leave me now and go straight to the foot of the Cross. I again ask that you flood my entire nervous system with the Most Precious Blood and this time destroy any structures established by evil spirits to use against me. Lord, destroy these structures collectively and individually and dissolve them with the Most Precious Blood.  In the Holy Name of Jesus, I call upon the Fire of the Holy Spirit right now to go through my nervous system, from the front of the brain to the back of the brain down my spine and out of every nerve of my body. I ask that the Fire of the Holy Spirit heal my nervous system, purify it, sanctify it, and connect it to Our Lord Jesus.

I now ask that the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus go through every organ and system of my body, from the top of my head down to the soles of my feet.  I ask that it go through my respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, lymphatic system, autoimmune system, endocrine system, reproductive system, and skeletal system, through every muscle and fibre of my being.  I ask you Lord to flood them again, and again and again. In the Most Holy Name of Jesus and through the power of His Most Precious Blood, I bind any evil spirits that may be attached or oppress any organ or system of my body and I command you now, in Jesus' name to leave now and go to the foot of the Cross.  Again, flood every system and organ of my body and this time destroy any structures established by evil spirits to use against me, destroy them individually and separately and dissolve them in the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus. I now ask that the Fire of the Holy Spirit come upon me now and go through every organ and system of my body, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.  I ask that the Fire of the Holy Spirit bring healing to these parts, that it would purify them, sanctify them and connect them with our Lord Jesus. 

Father, I ask that you stir up and deepen the gifts that were given to me at my Baptism, the gifts of faith, hope and charity.  I ask that you deepen the gifts given at confirmation: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. (I ask that you deepen any gifts given on my wedding day/ profession day/ ordination day.)  I ask that any gifts that you have given for the building up of the Church be deepened and that any latent gifts would be activated.  I ask that our Lady spread her mantle of protection over me and that St. Joseph and St. Dominic would provide for me and protect me.  

May the peace and blessing of Almighty God, + Father, + Son and + Holy Spirit come upon me and remain with me forever. Amen.

God Bless Us All...

Jacob M

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