Thursday 9 May 2024

In the Holy Name of Jesus, I know that I am a beloved daughter/son of our Heavenly Father.


I Am Loved

In the Holy Name of Jesus, I know that I am a beloved daughter/son of our Heavenly Father. May the Precious Blood of Jesus cover me.  In His Most Holy Name and covered in His Precious Blood, I bind all evil spirits of doubt, fear, despair, unforgiveness, unworthiness, and self-hatred. 

I renounce you; I reject you; I rebuke you; and I cast you out.

I hold the TRUTH from God that I am a beloved daughter/son of the Heavenly Father. I claim that in and through the sacraments I have received, that the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwells in me and that I have inestimable value in God’s eyes. I know that I am beloved because I have been created in the image and likeness of God. I know that I am beloved because God the Father has sent His Son Jesus Christ into the World because of that love. And I know that Jesus Christ died out of his personal love for me, and, in His infinite mercy, my sins are forgiven.

I forgive all those who have told me that I am worthless, unworthy, or never good enough. I ask God to forgive them and bless them.

I am a beloved daughter/son of our Heavenly Father

And for that LOVE and that TRUTH, I give Him thanks.


God Bless Us All...

Jacob M

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