Thursday, 9 May 2024

Christian Fasting!!!



1. You're dealing with temptation, sin and lack of self-control

2. You're seeking clarity and wisdom in making the right decisions

3. You have difficulty hearing God

4. You're led by God (the Holy Spirit) to fast

5. There is unrest in your spirit and you are facing spiritual attacks

6. You want to submit your flesh to the things of God and be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Do you know how or when to fast?

sometimes we as Christians, we neglect one aspect of our walk with Christ. And that is FASTING!

Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before he was sent into his ministry. That same fasting led him into the desert to be tempted by the devil and he conquered victoriously.

In Matthew 17:21, the disciples had tried casting out a demon but they failed and Jesus told them this "This kind of spirit comes out but by prayer and fasting"

Fasting is not something we only need to do on special occasions but it needs to be a regular spiritual habit so that when we face situations, we already have the authority to overcome it.

Types Of Fasting...

- the Esther fast: 3 days of dry fasting praying for God's protection and deliverance from evil

- the Daniel fast: 21 days of partial fasting where you abstain from meat and heavy meals and you can take fruits, and vegetables instead

- the normal fast: no food, water only 

- the absolute fast: no food, no water

- the partial fast: abstaining from certain food like meat, bread, heavy meals and just taking fruits. You fast from let's say 6 am to 12 pm or 6 am to 6 pm.

- the juice fast: you take only fruits and vegetables juices only.

Others have said that you Can also fast from things that are taking up the place of God in your life like social media, TV, your phone, alcohol, TV shows and series.

But at the end of the day, always ask God what you need to do and how you should fast. 

So dear child of God, do not neglect the power of fasting in your life.

- Fasting draws you closer to God.

- Fasting submits your flesh to God and helps you focus on the things of the spirit. 

- Fasting gives you clarity and helps you hear God clearly.

- Fasting breaks off the chains of bondage and spiritual oppression from evil spirits.

God Bless Us All...

Jacob M

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