Tuesday 4 April 2023

'He hears us whenever we ask Him; and since we know this is true, we know also that He gives us what we ask from Him.'

Verse:   1 John 5:15      (GNT)

'He hears us whenever we ask Him; and since we know this is true, we know also that He gives us what we ask from Him.'

- As a child of God, you can be confident that He hears your prayers.

- As you ask, with a sincere heart and according to His will, He answers.

- We have to believe that He is listening and that He cares for us.

- He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift and He knows what’s best for you.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that I can always be sure of the fact that You hear me when I call. Since I know this to be true, I can trust and rely on You to answer and provide.


God Bless You...

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