Dear Readers,
Many years ago there was a tv series by the name Alien Nation, we all loved the series but hey I ain't talking about the tv series. I'm talking about,
Alienation of a Child from a Parent.
What is Parent Alienation?
Parental alienation is termed as a mental state in which a child, usually one whose parents are engaged in a high-conflict separation or divorce, allies himself strongly with one parent (the preferred parent) and rejects a relationship with the other parent (the alienated parent) without legitimate justification.
WOW!!! Now that's a mouthful, ain't it?
Many times it's usually the father or the Men get affected by being alienated from a child's life. Does anyone know how it feels for a man to be in pain after being separated and alienated from a child? Tell me how does it feel?
let me explain it in a little portion, and let me elaborate a bit more in a detailed manner...
When a child is born, the child immediately forms a bond with both parents. it's like a DNA tie-up between the Parents and the Child. The child will feel secure, will trust the parents to the core, and will be loved no matter what. but if seen after the alienation is done, the attachment is severed and the bond between the alienated parents and children results in unavoidable circumstances like depression, antisocial behavior, abuse, and narcissism.
Furthermore who gets affected the most?
Parental Alienation always is disastrous, in each and every way, and trust me it cripples a parent's life to the extreme, and at times the child's also.
Parental alienation always affects one parent usually and that too the mental health: and indirectly this parental alienation negatively influences the mental health of male children and adolescents who are victims of parental alienation. Alienated children/adolescents display guilt, sadness, and depressed mood; low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence; distress and frustration; lack of impulse control, substance abuse, and delinquent behavior; separation anxiety, fears, and phobias; and increased tendency to develop psychosomatic illness; suicidal tendencies and suicide attempt; sleep and eating disorders; educational problems and the list goes on.
Parental alienation negatively affects the mental health of adult men too,who were victims of Long-term effects of parental alienation including low self-esteem, depression, wife infidelity, spouse ill talking, drug/alcohol abuse, lack of trust, alienation from own children, divorce, problems with identity and not having a sense of belonging or roots, choosing not to have children to avoid being rejected by them, low achievement, anger and bitterness over the time lost with the alienated parent;
Parental alienation poses a negative influence on the mental health of men who are alienated from their children. Fathers who have lost some or all contact with their children for months or years following separation or divorce may be depressed and suicidal.
Sadly I have seen a lot of cases where sometimes either man or woman is subjected to this disease and that is Alienation and this ain't good.
Trust me it's really bad to see children subjected to this risk.
I took the following line from my previous post, which is
"So the next time you think that it's okay to tell your child to lie about their parent or keep them from that parent for no good reason, remember that when they get into trouble, or turn on you or themselves. THAT IS ON YOU..."
This is becoming more and more common these days... Children are separated from their parents, and put at RISK... "JUST STOP THIS ALIENATION, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, OUR KIDS ARE NOT TOYS FOR US TO PLAY AROUND WITH THEM".
Humble Request to everyone, Help one another and STOP!!! the Alienation of Parents. There is a Father or Mother out there who needs our help...
Help Us Help Them...
Thank You All
God Bless You All...
Jacob M
adolescents; children; depression; men’s mental health; parental alienation; parents; suicide.
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