Saturday, 10 December 2022

Do you think their gone????????πŸ’”πŸ€”



So, today’s topic is one I hear about ALL the time from Men & Women.

Unfortunately, most men & women face this challenge, seeking help far too late, when their woman & man is already “checked out” and have been for some time when his / her mind is made up around no longer wanting sex to work or no longer wanting the relationship to work. 

Something you guys should keep in mind is that most men & women emotionally detach/decide to leave you months (or even a year or two) ahead of time. This is tough because by the time he/she’s giving you obvious (more verbal and physical rather than emotional) signs, he/she’s already made up his / her mind and it’s almost impossible for you to change his / her decision. 

One of the signs most men & women notice as more “obvious” is his / her portraying a lack of sexual interest. He / She may verbalize that he/she’s no longer attracted to you, she may passively, consistently sexually reject you, and get very “snappy” in his  / her tone regarding sex topics, etc. 

And if you’re in this situation, you need to be very aware of how you’re responding to him/her.

Pay attention to your thoughts and actions. Are they more focused on pleasing him/her? Or are they more focused on doing what’s best for the relationship?

The biggest thing to remember, during a “walking on eggshells” time when you notice  he/she’s losing sexual attraction to you:

Don’t focus on what makes him / her happy, feel most comfortable 100% of the time. 

Focus on what’s best for you and the relationship.

What I mean by this is…

 Initiate the tough, needed conversation, even if you’re afraid of “rocking the boat”. (This may not be "comfortable", but it will get you both answers/clarity).

 Set boundaries if he/she’s disrespecting you, by standing up for yourself, (even if it might piss him / her off).

 Keep doing things for your own happiness/health (even if it means you’re leaving him/her for a couple of hours at a time). 

The obsession with pleasing him or her combined with a lack of respect for yourself (letting him or her walk all over you because you’re afraid he or she’ll leave or never have sex with you again), only makes her less attracted to you.

I know this is hard but it’s the truth. When I see men or women weaken out of fear of their man or woman never having sex with them again or leaving them and turn into pleasers who are afraid to have a conversation, he or she eventually does leave them. 

When men or women remain in their power and do what’s best for themselves and their relationship (not making it about constantly pleasing him or her but doing what’s best for them both), their man or woman begins to gain respect and attraction again.

When you feel out of control in your relationship and the attraction within it, remind yourself of why you’re attractive and start acting from that place again. You can’t control how he or she feels about you, but you can control how you feel about yourself. And when you do control and seriously improve how you feel about yourself, it’s the best way to attract him or her to you once again.

If you’re looking for help with...

Improving how you feel about yourself and your attraction

Enhancing your communication skills

Becoming a better sexual partner (for yourself and your partner).

Talk to a professional and not to friends and family coz you might just end up damaging the relationship. trust me I speak from experience. 

Don't end your relationship!!!!

Byeeee and hope things work out... Will Pray for you all your families


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