Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Mistake!!! Never again!!!


What is a Mistake?
What are Mistakes?
Why do we make Mistakes?
Are we prone to Mistakes?
Is it in our blood to make Mistakes?
Let us find out what,why & how Mistakes are Mistakes.

Are Mistakes done purposely or unknowingly?
Now that's the big question.

What is a Mistake?
A Mistake is miscalculated, unknowing, unfortunate, unforgiving circumstance which has happened due to some unforseen force of human nature. But then again anyone can make mistakes. Even animals too. 

Well don't forget we too are animals, we are social animals.
Mistakes can be made by anyone. We humans try not to make them. But eventually sometimes we mess up and make a mistake. And the circumstance could be very bad. 

Is there a solution where we can't make any mistakes and avoid any penalties for the same?

A Mistake can happen anywhere. 😕 Your home 🏡 or your workplace. In your childhood or in your adulthood.
Having a Mistake to happen might be a small thing to u and to me, but when the rest of the world 🌎 sees it, it's a calamity. To be honest a calamity is to severe that we cannot acknowledge. 

We try to avoid to do mistakes in our lives. We try to be perfect,and I mean to be perfect well we all can't be perfectionists. We tend to always do a Mistake. 
Sometimes like I said we unknowingly do a Mistake. Actually when we do a Mistake.  Maybe it's destiny. Maybe it's written the stars 🌟 or it's just luck. 

Let me say this phrase where we hear always " We do learn from our mistakes". 
Yes we do learn from our mistakes. By studying where we went wrong. By understanding where we went wrong. We try to find solutions to make a stop to it. And yes sometimes we do and we don't. 

My dear readers.
Remember one thing. Mistakes are bound to happen. Again and again and again. No matter how much mistakes you do in life, there will always be one, I mean someone who will always try to put you down. Never I mean never let that person or thing put you down. Never give up. Prove to them that you are the better one. Numero Uno !  Riseup like the Phoenix. Against all odds fight 💪.  Prove that whatever you did in life is on the journey to success 🙌.  Flush out those elements, and you will be victorious. 

Believe in me, trust in me we all will be happy one day.



1 comment:

  1. I like the way you ended your topic - making a mistake! It is through our mistakes that learning happens. No mistakes, no room for improvement. Period!


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