Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Do Dreams or Nightmares come true!!!

 Greetings All,

After a good days work i have decided to take  some rest, and meaningfully a small nap just to ease my old but not to old bones. Like each and every doctor says we have to take some rest. But then i say rest is only when we are six feet under, i hope you know what i mean, six feet under means rest when we are dead.

So back to the topic. again after a days work when i just went to take a small nap, I to be honest have a bad habit of never lying down on the bed, i'd rather sit on the couch and rest for sometime. the moment i sat on the couch. i crashed and went in to a deep sleep, and when i mean deep sleep i really mean it. It was like byebye everybody and gone to sleep into another world. During that small nap i had the most scariest, i wouldnt say scariest but yes it was really stressful that i thought i had got a heart attack. When i got up i got up with a start and really messed up head about the dream, which led me to collapse onto the floor.

For the past few months i have been undergoing some huge stress. and i didnt know it would affect me to such an extent. So when i regained my senses, the first thing was did the dream mean anything? So again as i was curious about my dream, I decided to go on the internet, i saw somewhere it was also mentioned that, Nightmares or dreams are not real and couldnt harm or hurt us at all. Even if your dream is scary or brutal doesnt mean it will happen in your real life. Or even if it means you are a bad person it doesnt mean it will tell you to do scary things. but then again, Dreams are our dreams anything can happen.

Well back again to my life, like i said have been going thru alot of stress. Namely becoz of Job issues and to top it all up it was family issues. Its maybe becoz of that it trigged these dreams then let us find out what my dream, told me or what it would lead me to believe after a  few more lines about dreams.

Ok, when we drift to lala land, deep into our vivid different realms, i mean into deep sleep, like big snoring sleep, knocked out sleep. Yes so our minds begin to sync into a active mode and start to build stories and images that can be either unique or nonsense, prophetic or maybe sometimes to an extent even terrifying that could make us believe, that whether it could all be TRUE?

Again, we may not have any answers, and different factors cause different dreams, 

Well i think i better take a small nap, my eyes are beginning to close, like my daughter always says when she falls asleep, "Dada my head is falling" meaning in childrens lingo correctly means i m falling asleep.

Sorry after my long snooze, I've managed to come back to reality.

Like I mentioned earlier. We may never have the answers to our dreams. Some may be lucky some may not be. Because sometimes when we awake from our slumbers we forget about the dreams but some don't. Those what we say are the fortunate ones. Who remember what happened in their dreams. 

I have to be the fortunate one, I think? But yes I think am, because after having been going thru a traumatic life now with stress, I have happened to remember all my dreams, and each one of them plays a crucial role in whatever we do.

I have had two most horrific dreams and it really did say something to me. It made me jump out of my skin and simultaneously really hurt me emotionally.

I will be back soon.... 


Mistake!!! Never again!!!


What is a Mistake?
What are Mistakes?
Why do we make Mistakes?
Are we prone to Mistakes?
Is it in our blood to make Mistakes?
Let us find out what,why & how Mistakes are Mistakes.

Are Mistakes done purposely or unknowingly?
Now that's the big question.

What is a Mistake?
A Mistake is miscalculated, unknowing, unfortunate, unforgiving circumstance which has happened due to some unforseen force of human nature. But then again anyone can make mistakes. Even animals too. 

Well don't forget we too are animals, we are social animals.
Mistakes can be made by anyone. We humans try not to make them. But eventually sometimes we mess up and make a mistake. And the circumstance could be very bad. 

Is there a solution where we can't make any mistakes and avoid any penalties for the same?

A Mistake can happen anywhere. πŸ˜• Your home 🏑 or your workplace. In your childhood or in your adulthood.
Having a Mistake to happen might be a small thing to u and to me, but when the rest of the world 🌎 sees it, it's a calamity. To be honest a calamity is to severe that we cannot acknowledge. 

We try to avoid to do mistakes in our lives. We try to be perfect,and I mean to be perfect well we all can't be perfectionists. We tend to always do a Mistake. 
Sometimes like I said we unknowingly do a Mistake. Actually when we do a Mistake.  Maybe it's destiny. Maybe it's written the stars 🌟 or it's just luck. 

Let me say this phrase where we hear always " We do learn from our mistakes". 
Yes we do learn from our mistakes. By studying where we went wrong. By understanding where we went wrong. We try to find solutions to make a stop to it. And yes sometimes we do and we don't. 

My dear readers.
Remember one thing. Mistakes are bound to happen. Again and again and again. No matter how much mistakes you do in life, there will always be one, I mean someone who will always try to put you down. Never I mean never let that person or thing put you down. Never give up. Prove to them that you are the better one. Numero Uno !  Riseup like the Phoenix. Against all odds fight πŸ’ͺ.  Prove that whatever you did in life is on the journey to success πŸ™Œ.  Flush out those elements, and you will be victorious. 

Believe in me, trust in me we all will be happy one day.



Hunger for Technology!!!

I am an avid learner, or what you can say is "this guy is hungry!" In better pretext " I'm hungry!!!" Hungry not for food, but hungry for learning. Learning new technology.

Technology over the period of years has changed alot. Not for the bad but for the good. It has revolutionized or upgraded our mindset with regards, how Technology has changed. Would you like or rather stay in the dark ages or move ahead with the new futuristic age? 

Yes we all would like to progress in life, but yet again still people are yet living in the dark ages. They don't wanna Learn or again they aren't hungry for new Technology. They would rather stay back and say "enough for me this is enough, why should we learn more? " 

Few days back I have been following a series on YouTube where those guys deal with old antique stuff. And you have to believe me. A old guy walks in with a old computer it was a 'commodore 64' it was a amazing computer in the 80's. But it surely did teach us how to type programs out. Or what we say or do today is called coding. πŸ€” wow πŸ‘how much have we come so far. 

I used to use the commodore 64. it was an amazing system. We kids that time didn't have PS5 or Xbox or whatever we kids have these days. Commodore 64 was a unique piece of hardware where we really  had to learn the hard way, what computers really were that time.

And yes I was, I will and forever be hungry for Technology.

And that was the beginning!!!!

Will continue this journey soon....

Well i'm back from a short exile.

it surely has been a rollercoaster ride. Since the 80's and now into the future. i wouldn't say present, because the present has been evolving into a bright beautiful future for many of us. Some may complain, but then again some may not. we have to try to get out of the dark ages, learn with the flow, and then we can rise up from the flames like the Phoenix has done. 

We have to keep on learning, no matter whether you are young or you are too old. Education is a must. we have to give our children a decent education and exposure to future on what lies ahead. I tell my son and daughter never give up on learning. Keep on learning, watch youtube videos, see the news on new technology. athough you are young still you have to keep on learning.

I still don't understand, why some people give up!!!

Since this pandemic struck, it was devastating. schools closed and if i might, or you could say some of the young talented Einstien's might be what you say deprived of a decent good education. Everything became online classes, work from home. So finally everyone was deprived of thier education. I can't blame anyone. It's just i feel bad for what's happenning. School teacher's are stressed out. Parents are stressed out and dont let me forget our beloved children are stressed out too. 

But then again!!!

Our children did start learning. 

And they are doing or should I say really pretty well. During this pandemic. Of course they haven't become couch potatoes. But surely much advanced for thier age. Today's kids happen to know much more than we can by ourselves.

Yes I'm back.. where were we last. Oh right, where today's kids happen to know much more than us. 
Yes its very true. 
It's very true. 
Let me go a little back in time not to far back not into the dark ages, say some where in the 80's. Well I think that's fair enough. Well the 80's wasn't a total old school. That time things were different technology was in the process of development and it was definitely exposing the new world 🌎, or in better terms. Giving new life, to the world. It was like bringing a baby into the new world, and yes it was, it was really fascinating. Things started changing for the better.

Let me tell you a little bit of my childhood. Since I was a technical freak of nature that's what my friends used to call not then but now. 
It was in feb 1981 i was born. I was a very Fiesty kid. At the age of 4-5. I always had the habit where in I used to touch this and touch that. To be proper gadgets. It was a time of learning. And I used to like what's not o  the outside but what's inside that counts. Whether mechanical, electrical or for crying out loud even electronics. You name it I would take my dad's screwdriver set and open up everything. Yes definitely I had picked this trade from my father. Yes he did teach me a lot of things. It was becoz of him, I started learning about these things. 

I was given a computer and that was my first computer. It was a atari computer it was awesome I learnt how to type and play game hoorah, and I remember how my mum used to beat me at a game of pac man. Geez  she was great at it defeating me hheheheh.

Then came the commodore 64 and other absolute brute. There I learnt how to type pages after pages on the computer and then finally press enter to start again. It was awesome thats when I saw the floppy disk. As years went by and I mean many years. When I was in school  we started learning computers and it was like dBase, fox pro oh my if you see today, it's nowhere. And when I reached  college it was windows 95 it's was great πŸ‘.  Me and my friends just run down to the computer lab and play solitaire. Minesweeper. Everything was old school. It was a fascinating time and then after college we had to get a job. Hey wait a minute my dad as promised gave me my first bike only after my graduation. But not now kids go to college with cars. OMG!!! HOW LUCKY!

I got my first phone after getting my first job in 2002 then it was in 2007 after my worst life threatening accident. I got my first laptop. 

If I recollect correctly everything was simple. Just go to school with the notebooks study and come home. Now it's sometimes go to school  without notebooks study and come home sit with the closest gadget and have fun.

That time In the 80's everything was simple not much technology. But now it's a necessity. It's a addiction. There are pros and cons. But it's a must if you wanna go with the flow and keep yourself up do date it's better. Keep on learning. 

Now with technology far advanced. Things have changed. Kids are learning things at a rapid fast rate. How the latest phones are and how they look. Laptops become ultralight compared to what I used to use. Things have just changed.everything is easy to learn. Earlier we would ask our parents, as they were there but now it's ask google or ask alexa. Hehehe
I'm not saying it's bad thing it's good but we live in a new world we can't live without technology and I mean the latest technology.

Now learning or updating πŸ€”oneself ain't a crime. It's a good thing. We have to keep on learning. I tell my son to keep on learning. Don't ever stop. Now that's for my son. I too haven't given up on learning I have kept onlearning and never gonna stop till I die. Because learning is a privilege, it will serve us today, it will serve us tommorow,  well it will help us in the future. For our own good. 

So always be hungry for Technology.
Takecare and stay safe.

Silence or Ego...

  Dear Readers, I always believed that the truth would be enough. That if I stayed honest, did no harm, and lived with integrity, life would...