Thursday, 27 February 2025

Happy Birthday Big Boy!!!

To My Wonderful Son Evan,

Happy Birthday, my boy. Today is your special day, and though I may not be there to celebrate with you, my heart is filled with love, pride, and the deepest wishes for your happiness. From the moment you came into this world, you became the brightest light in my life, a gift I will always treasure.

I have missed so many of your precious years your laughter, your mischief, the moments of joy, and even the moments when you needed a comforting hand on your shoulder. But no matter how far life has placed us apart, my love for you has never wavered. It never will. There isn’t a single day that passes without me thinking of you, wondering how you are, and hoping you are surrounded by love, warmth, and kindness.

You are growing into a young man, and though I may not have been there to guide you through every step, I want you to know this: you are strong, you are loved, and you are meant for great things. Life will bring challenges but always remember that you have a father who believes in you, who prays for you, and who knows that you will rise above anything life throws your way.

One day, my son, life will bring us back together. I hold on to that belief with all my heart. Until then, know that I am with you in spirit, cheering for you, loving you, and celebrating you today and always.

May this year bring you endless joy, success, and the fulfilment of your dreams. Be kind, be brave, and never let the world dim the beautiful light inside you.

Happy Birthday, My Wonderful Evan boy.

May God Always Bless You…

For God is with you all the Way…

With all my love,


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