Tuesday, 31 December 2024

To the One I Will Always Love,


My Beloved,

It’s hard to put into words what you mean to me, but I’ll try because you deserve to know how you’ve shaped my life in ways no one else ever could.

You are the echo in my heart, the warmth in my memories, and the soft whisper in my soul reminding me of all the ways love can change a person. You didn’t just come into my life; you became my life. You are, and always will be, the one who makes my heart beat a little faster, my thoughts linger a little longer, and my world feels a little brighter.

I carry you with me in everything I do. Even when we’re apart, it feels like you’re right here, your presence woven into my very being. I see you in the beauty of the sunset, in the laughter of a stranger, in the quiet moments when I feel most at peace. You are my constant, my always, my forever.

Loving you has been my greatest honor, and even if the stars were to fall from the sky or the world were to crumble around us, that love would remain unshaken. It’s not bound by time or circumstance; it simply is. Strong. Enduring. Eternal.

No matter what happens, no matter how many times you hate me, curse me, or push me away, I will always love you. Nothing you say or do could ever make me stop. My love for you doesn’t depend on being loved in return it simply exists, unchanging and unconditional.

You are so much more than you realize. You are kind in ways that inspire me to be better. You are strong in ways that give me courage. And you are beautiful not just in the way you look, but in the way you live, the way you love, and the way you make the people around you feel seen and valued.

You’ve shown me that love is not about perfection. It’s about acceptance. It’s about holding onto each other through the storms, finding joy in the little things, and cherishing the journey, no matter how rough the road gets. You’ve taught me that love isn’t something you find it’s something you create together, piece by piece, moment by moment.

There are so many things I want to say to you, but perhaps the most important is this: thank you. Thank you for being you. For loving me in the ways only you can. For giving me memories that I will carry with me until my last breath. For being this reason I know what it means to truly love and be loved.

Even if life takes us down different paths, my love for you will never waver. You are the one I’ll measure all others against, the one I’ll always hope for, the one I’ll never truly let go of. You are my great love story, written on the pages of my heart, never to be erased.

So, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, please know this: You are loved. Deeply. Eternally. By someone who will always carry you in his heart.

Yours forever and always,

The One Who Will Never Stop Loving You

Happy New Year 2025...

Jacob M

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