Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Dear All,

Many people believe two misconceptions about forgiveness: that it means forgetting the offence ever occurred, and that it’s a singular and instantaneous process. This is not true. If you are struggling to forgive, here are a few steps that can help.

How to Forgive:

  1.     Understand that forgiveness isn’t about forgetting or excusing the abuse.
  2.     Realize it’s an act of obedience towards God.
  3.     Ask God for the grace to forgive.
  4.     Remember it’s not a feeling; it’s a journey.
  5.     Trust in God’s truth and let feelings catch up.
  6.     Differentiate between forgiveness and trust.
  7.     Seek wisdom and support from a counsellor, pastor, or friend.

Forgiveness does not mean that you must trust the perpetrator again. In some cases, it does not even mean reconciliation. Romans 12 teaches us to live at peace with everyone, but this does not always result in restored relationships.

Final Thoughts

If you sense the need to forgive someone in your life that has brought great damage to you, consider seeking the guidance of a counsellor, pastor, or friend to walk the journey with you and provide support. I would strongly encourage you not to wait for the feeling of forgiveness to come; instead, trust in God’s Word and let your feelings catch up over time.


Jacob M

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