Monday, 22 April 2024

Prayer to St. Benedict

"Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux, Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux, Vade Retro Satana, Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana Sunt Mala Quae Libas, Ipse Venena Bibas!"

"May the Holy Cross be my light / May the dragon never be my guide Begone Satan / Never tempt me with your vanities What you offer me is evil / drink the poison yourself."

Glorious St. Benedict, sublime model of virtues, pure vessel of God's grace! Behold me humbly kneeling at your feet. I implore you in your loving kindness to pray for me before the throne of God.

To you I have recourse in the dangers that daily surround me. Shield me against my selfishness and indifference to God and to my neighbour.

Inspire me to imitate you in all things. May your blessings be with me always, so that I may see and serve Christ in others and work for His Kingdom.

Graciously obtain for me from God those favours and graces of which I need in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life. Your heart was always full of love, compassion and mercy towards those who were afflicted or troubled in any way, You never dismiss without consolation and assistance anyone who has recourse to you. 

I, therefore, invoke your powerful intercession, confident in the hope that you will hear my prayers and obtain for me the special grace and favour I humbly implore (Name it). Help me, great St. Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to run in the sweetness of his loving will and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven. Amen

God Bless Us All...

Jacob M


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