Dear Readers,
“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in Peace.” ― St. Benedict
Sunday, 21 May 2023
Narcissists Love to Play Hide & Seek. Episode 2 “Who's the New Toy???"
Dear Readers,
Monday, 15 May 2023
My Baby Girl
I write this letter, to you like I wrote a letter to your brother Evan since this is the only way to communicate with you, I hope one day you will read this letter. I miss your tiny hugs and big words of wisdom. but one day we will meet again, although you were separated from me, remember one thing baby I will always love you.
Dear Lilia,
Grow up pretty and confident, my baby girl,
You have the will to go so far.
See the meanings of things that matter,
For those will take you wherever you are.
See positive insights in life,
That will help you to strive forever.
Try my girl if you have the wish to do,
Nobody can really stop you.
Just be who you want to be,
And life will be so merry.
You stay close to my heart and near,
I love you a lot, my daughter dear.
God Bless You Always My Baby Girl...
To My Loving Son My Number One...
Dear Evan,
On a semi-hot & cold winter/ summer night of Feb 27th, 2013, you came into this world and sweetened up my life. I can’t thank God enough for the treasure bestowed upon me. Son, you will always be my number one. I lost you my legacy the day you were taken away & separated from me, any way You will grow to be a fine man, and I can’t be more proud.
Since we cannot communicate, I will always write to you from here...
Although I cannot tell you what to do the things to do when I m far away from you, But you have to Remember all the things that Our father has taught you and me. You will learn from him "Our Father". You might have noticed how he loved us all and he will love you too.
Cherish our family values of love, respect, hard work, and sacrifice, and always put your family first. Raising a family is not a walk in the park, my son. You’ll be faced with challenges along the way, but I know you’ll always rise to a challenge.
You know very well that I’ll always be there for you no matter what. You can lean on me whenever you feel down. Take comfort in the fact that we will be together & overcome all obstacles that life puts our way.
Be a good Son, Friend, and one day a Husband and father, and that will continue to help you in being a great human being.
God Bless You Always My Son...
Tuesday, 9 May 2023
‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.’

‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.’
- Each one of us has a particular race that God has marked out for us.
- No two individuals have the same race or course to pass through.
- God has a unique plan and purpose for each of our lives.
- With His help we can run our race and reach the goal He has for us.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for calling me to run the race that You have prepared for me. May I keep my eyes on You, so that I will not be distracted. Help me to run with perseverance so that I can enjoy all You have prepared for me.
God Bless You All...
‘Patient endurance is what you need now so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.’
Verse: Hebrews 10:36
‘Patient endurance is what you need now so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.’
- Whatever you are facing today, don’t give up and keep doing God’s will.
- Now is the time for ‘stickability’ and patient endurance.
- The Lord has not forgotten about you and His promises to you.
- He will be faithful to you as you continue to do your part and trust Him.
Prayer: Lord, help me to demonstrate my trust in You by being patient and persistent as I follow and obey You. I look forward to the fulfillment of all that You have promised and I will continue to do what You tell me to do.
God Bless You All...
‘Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.’

Verse: Romans 12:12
‘Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.’
- In God, you have an everlasting hope and therefore you can rejoice.
- Just knowing that God is with you gives you reason to be joyful.
- Even in the struggles we can still be confident in HIM.
- Hold onto hope, don’t give up in tough times, and remember to pray.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the hope that You bring into my life even when I am facing challenging times. May I never let go of the hope I have in You and may I have the boldness to bring my requests to You in prayer.
God Bless You All...
Tuesday, 2 May 2023
‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.’
Verse: Colossians 3:23
‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.’
- In all we do we should live a life that honors God.
- Whatever you do, and how you do it, reflects your love for God.
- What you do can be something you are doing for the Lord.
- Let your life be a testimony and may whatever you do bring glory to God.
PRAYER: Lord, may I never forget that my life’s purpose is to bring glory and honour to You. May this choice and decision affect every action that I take, and in so doing may my contribution reflect my faith and my devotion in You.
Monday, 1 May 2023
Final Prayer - Mary Undoer of Knots Novena. Prayers brought you closer to Jesus through our Blessed Mother, Mary, Undoer of Knots!
Peace be with you!
Thank you for joining us in praying this novena!
We hope that these prayers brought you closer to Jesus through our Blessed Mother, Mary, Undoer of Knots!
We will continue to pray for you & whatever knots remain... Jesus is near and you're not alone.
Here are the prayers for today:
Final Prayer - Mary Undoer of Knots Novena
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Lord Jesus, I have specific requests that may only partially fill the infinite needs and desires that are in my heart. I ask that You answer me not only for those requests but also for a greater reliance on You to satisfy the needs and desires that You have given me.
Please grant the prayers of all those who prayed this novena with me. Bless them with Your love and make them holy!
May I seek You with a sincere heart knowing that it will profit me nothing if I gain the whole world yet lose my soul.
So, help me to see Your good and gracious purpose in all my trials. Help me to see Your blessings in every day and help me to love You more.
Thank You for everything, Lord Jesus!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
God Bless You All...
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker...
“Don’t worry about being effective.
Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth.”
“You will know your vocation by the joy that it brings you.
You will know. You will know when it’s right.”
“Tradition! We scarcely know the word anymore. We are afraid to be either proud of our ancestors or ashamed of them.” .. “Tradition” says GK Chesterton “is democracy extended through time. Tradition means giving the vote to that most obscure of all classes, our ancestors.
God Bless You All...
Silence or Ego...
Dear Readers, I always believed that the truth would be enough. That if I stayed honest, did no harm, and lived with integrity, life would...

Verse: Jeremiah 30:17 ‘I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD. - God is in the business of healing and rest...
Greetings!!!! I am an avid learner, or what you can say is "this guy is hungry!" In better pretext " I'm hungry!!!" ...