Monday, 24 April 2023

‘They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you.’ declares the LORD.

Verse:   Jeremiah 1:19

‘They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you.’ declares the LORD.

- The path of life is not always straight and smooth.

- There are battles and there are fights, but you are not alone.

- Just knowing that the Lord is with you can strengthen you and give you hope.

- No challenge can undo you if you hold onto the truth that He is with you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the comfort of knowing that You are with me regardless of the tests and trials I may face. How wonderful it is to know that these things will not overcome or overwhelm me, because You will rescue me.


God Bless You All...

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