Saturday, 17 December 2022

Hey Buddy Is everything alright???

Hey, Buddy is everything alright???

Are you Depressed???

In today’s times, many of us talk about depression. But does anyone know what depression is? or how does one get it., or what does it do? Depression has many faces. But we all have to be prepared for it.

 Depression has been a common part of everyone’s life, whether today or even over a number of years, yet I still don’t fully understand it. So, how do I explain what “it” (Depression) is to someone or to anyone who has no experience of depression in their life? How can I explain to someone what depression is? Suffering from depression can be for various reasons to name a few like the loss of one’s job, financial issues, and Failed marriages but these are just a few examples of what depression can happen to a person.  Furthermore, depression has a way of replacing your confidence with pure anxiety, self-hatred & suicidal thoughts.

Honestly, I’ve rarely been asked to explain what depression means to anyone. You can just say the word and people either turn away in fear or try to relate to console and/or fill the silence. What really, all I need is for someone to ask “How does depression affect you?”.

The scariest thing I have found about suffering from a mental health illness is the effect it has on every aspect of your life; Depression, for anyone, is another soul, taking over your mind and body. It cohabits day in and day out, in attempts to knock your confidence, and whispers insult in your ear. it starts playing games in your mind.

it’s not just what’s inside your head that messes it up. it's everything around you, may it be physical or mental, for me, suffering from depression can become debilitating as one couldn't find happiness in the little things one would enjoy doing. More often than not, depression would cause one to sit in a dark room, think about the bad things in the past, present, and even the future, and cry about it.

So! nobody was there or nobody to tell anything or console and again what was the use coz nobody neither cared nor bothered. And one can live with this; I know it is a part of any individual and grateful to merely exist – so if I were to share my life with depression then so be it.

I was told by a doctor that 'there was nothing to be depressed about and that everyone gets over it because every individual will have a great group of friends and no enemies to worry about. But two things I have learned are that over this period, there is no such thing as friends & family, they will continue as what they were, were, and will be forever an entity in life against you.

In everyone’s life, family and friends will be against you wherein they used you discourage you to an extent even drive you up the wall by ridiculing you. With this, your social life would become lesser & lesser. Leading you to cut yourself off from society, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media life.

Furthermore, the real enemy I had made was myself believing that nothing will be all right.

Depression is something that cannot be healed simply, and I wish I had been told just how easy it can be to fall back into a spiral of severe isolation and anxiety.

Everyone thinks & believes that depression is nothing more than being just Sad. The struggle comes when depression really takes over, and one forgets their strength, vitality, and the love they have for those around them. Every word, action, or passing glance is an attack. The body aches and all everyone wants to do is sleep until the pain goes away. Depression isn’t just feeling sad; if it were, it would be so much easier to deal with. Every time depression affects one, the body would just shuts down as one could hardly sleep, and feel sick, unwanted thoughts would come to one’s mind, or what we generally would say, “ We have no energy to fight the circumstances in what in we were in”.

Often and definitely, sarcastically I’ve been asked what triggers everyone to feel or be ‘sad’. I felt so humiliated that everyone didn’t have a ‘trigger’; that depression hits you or me when you least expect it, and as it comes in frequent & different disguises. As well as being physically fatigued, my depression led to paranoia, which had a huge impact on my life, causing me to fret and become severely overwhelmed, and so, the cycle continued between being paranoid, which made me panic, which made me depressed. I wish I had been told that depression isn't something to be ashamed of, as telling people I had depression was a task I still struggle to achieve.

Sadly, I’ve found that depression (as well as other mental illnesses) is romanticized, especially in the media. There really isn’t anything glamorous about suffering from depression, and this trend must be stopped before it gets out of hand. But then again who cares?

It’s so true when you hear that support is always available, whether it be from friends, families, charities, or organizations, but seeking this kind of support made me feel uncomfortable at first and it's true you will definitely feel uncomfortable, coz you will never know who are your friends and family, coz everyone will abandon you and leave you in the dark. Nobody cares nobody is bothered, that’s what happens to everyone. Even your spouse and children will abandon you.

Society has reached a junction in life wherein, there will be people who will even convince your spouse and children what kind of person of a loser you have as a spouse and a parent for you all. Aren’t I right? With this, A person might have lost their respect for society for they have no right to judge others. A person with depression will think that they may have lost authority and no respect for their decisions which might lead them to be a useless loser for a spouse and parent. Depression would make anyone feel worthless, insignificant, and burdensome, Nobody won't ask you for help, because they don't have the strength & are discouraged.

Depression isolates you, making you believe your importance matters less than those around you. Depression pushes so many people out of your life to the point where we fear forming friendships because we will face the pain of losing the people we love too much. Depression with these or current circumstances makes you feel that you should give up on life. To be honest, many have tried many times to give their lives, but we always have to start thinking of the ones we leave behind, our Family. Because they mean a lot to us.

It was important that our friends would embrace our depression rather than see it as a flaw of ours, so we have to begin openly talking about it to those around us, and by raising awareness, quite a few of my friends stepped forward to say they had been through the same or at least knew somebody who did. but then again everyone thinks depression is a joke. They tend to get fed up with the notion of what a person is going thru. They begin to turn a deaf ear to the depressed person, thereby leading the depressed person to unthinkable acts, where no one is there to be by their side. Thereby suicidal thoughts.

Now with depression, as I have mentioned earlier. No one is actually bothered about others. They just don’t care anymore. On the contrary, they will put you down more. And won’t listen to you anymore. For them, they will feel like it’s some story from some storybook which is nothing to think about.

Families fall apart & change so drastically, it’s as if the marriage doesn’t mean anything to them anymore. It’s like there is no difference between dirt and humanity anymore. The scars act as a reminder that we all may have lost some battle. Tell me is it right to give up on the person who loves you so much, or just abandon them and let them fight their battles alone, or turn your children against their Parent, or turn people or furthermore convince everyone what type of loser you have married.

Now you tell me if is it worth living for this life really needed. How does it feel that your children think that their parent is a losers? Tell me is it worth living?

By accepting one’s depression and openly discussing it with others, one shouldn’t feel ashamed anymore. People have begun to feel that living is of no use now. There’s no one for us or by our side. And with losing everything, we are just alone in this world.

Again, in the beginning, we all should realize for the first time that we aren’t alone, and mental illness is actually far more common than we’re led to believe. Depression is not a sickness. There is a point of return for the person to recover when the damage is been done. Therefore we have to be there for each other. Help, listen to & counsel.

Mental illness isn’t a trend, but it shouldn’t be taboo either.

One day & I hope one day we’ll find a common ground to find peace.

I pray to God every day that he will give us all the strength to overcome this situation before it’s already too late for all of us.




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